Puzzle by David Quarfoot and Katy Swalwell, edited by Will Shortz
Leading off this eclectic delight is PAPASMURF (1A White-bearded red-capped patriarch) and closing it out is EASYTOSEE (62A Plain), and in between is a wealth of verbiage of vibrating variety, odd repetitions and an answer answered by a clue, ASTRING (14D Quartet in a string quartet).

Take your pick: BYGEORGE (35D Cry when you think you've got it?) punctuated by BRAVOS (43D They may keep the show going), an SOS (56D Emergency letters) in a CYCLONE (38A Eye site) of SPATES (37A Floods) of ACIDRAIN (34D Environmental awareness topic) to kill an OCOTILLO (36D Cactuslike tree of the Southwest), a sighting from APOLLOVII (57A Wally Schirra commanded it in 1968) from the USOFA (10A G.I.'s sod) of ELVISPRESLEY (21D Subject of some sightings) and a UFO (10D Subject of some sightings) with a PIRATE (1D Marine menace) ABOARD (34A Alongside, nautically), TIREIRONS (60A Car-jacking aids) in the FIRELANE (13D Corridor to be kept clear), causing one to VEEROFF (24D Change course), IGOOFED (41A Slip acknowledgment) and OVERRAN (30A Flooded) an ICESKATER (15A One with spin control?) far from a cold IGLOO (59A All-natural abode) hanging above hot NEONS (61A Garish glowers) and a FRATBOY (9D One who's made a pledge) with MARCHMADNESS (6D The Elite Eight are associated with it) and a HALO (32D Good sign?) -- END (28A Doom)...

...and FINIS (16A Famous last word)!
For today's cartoons, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
Illustrations: From above (21D Subject of some sightings) ELVIS PRESLEY, (1A White-bearded red-capped patriarch) PAPASMURF, (55A Setting of Van Gogh's "Bedroom") ARLES, and (1D Marine menace) PIRATE

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