Other than an abbreviated nod to All Saints Day' in the form of the inclusion of eight entries which contain an ST, resulting in a change of a standard phrase or whatever into a kooky one accompanied by a justifying clue, this crossword is otherwise fairly standard Sunday material.
In exchange for exchange of rings, holy roller, one-armed bandits, ultraviolet rays, goes all out, where the boys are, put on airs, and arch enemy are EXCHANGE OF STRINGS (23A. Switch in an orchestra section?); HOLY STROLLER (40A. Pilgrim?); STONE ARMED BANDITS (57A. Neolithic outlaws?); ULTRAVIOLET STRAYS (77A. Invisible lost dogs?); GOES ALL STOUT (96A. Gets fat?); WHERE THEBOYS STARE (115A. Go-go club?); PUT ON STAIRS (16D. Add new connections between floors?); and STARCH ENEMY (70D. Dieter?). St-st-st-st-st-st-st-stutter, anyone?
Across: 1. Titles are often put in it: Abbr.; 5. Scarlett O’Hara, e.g.; 10. Like Arnold Schoenberg’s music; 16. 1990 Literature Nobelist Octavio PAZ; 19. Singer Winans; 20. Certain bulb; 21. Smooth and shiny; 22. Actress Thurman; 26. “Take the filly in the fifth,” e.g.; 27. Pressing need?; 28. Union member since 1896; 29. Wise men; 31. Emmy category; 34. You can make one for yourself; 37. North Carolina university; 38. Negative north of England; 45. 86-Across’s alma mater: Abbr.; 48. Got cozy together; 50. Beau IDEAL; 51. Scare off; 52. Stumble ONTO; 53. Kipling’s “Follow Me OME”; 54. Came about; 56. Something near many a checkout line; 63. Bank offering, for short; 64. Beckett’s “Endgame: APLAY in One Act”; 65. Crazy Legs Hirsch of the early N.F.L.; 66. Parented; 68. How dastards speak; 71. Rabbit’s home, maybe; 72. Major-league manager Tony; 73. Be Circe-like; 74. Alfred E. Neuman visages; 75. Cut; 76. Sch. Group; 83. Sheet music. Abbr.; 84. Do some tune-up work on; 85. First Shia imam; 86. Gen. Robt. ELEE; 87. Swag; 89. Photo files, in computer lingo; 92. Signifying; 95. Internet initialism; 98. Org. for 86-Across; 99. Composer Dohnányi; 101. Blackthorn; 102. Author Zora NEALE Hurston; 104. African national founder Jomo KENYATTA; 111. Traditional symbol of friendship; 114. Traditional symbol of friendship; 114. Devon river; 120. Turn down; 121. Hero pilot; 122. Result of some sandbagging; 123. Whistler’s whistle, maybe; 124. Trough site; 125. Key of Bach’s best-known Mass; 126. J.F.K.’s “Why England SLEPT”; 127. They ring in a ring.
Down: 1. Clinches; 2. Bible reading; 3. Let win; 4. Franz who composed “You Are My Heart’s Delight”; 5. French approval; 6. Part of E.S.L.: Abbr.; 7. Stead; 8. Spoils; 9. ENFANT terrible; 10. Bermuda hrs.; 11. Swab; 12. Milo’s title partner in a 1989 film; 13. El NINO; 14. One opening up a can of worms?; 15. Everyday disinfectant; 17. Whitaker played him in a 2006 film; 18. Nukes; 24. Menotti role for a boy soprano; 25. Actress Belafonte; 30. Pout; 32. Curly conker; 33. “The Naked and the Dead” star, 1958; 35. All the rage; 38. Longtime D.C. delegate to Congress ELEANOR Holmes Norton; 38. PX users; 39. Spider-Man’s AUNT May; 41. “Delish!”; 42. Graf SPEE; 43. Loaded with fat; 44. “The Time Machine” people; 46. Distances in Canada; 47. Force in the ocean; 49. Costume designer Danilo DONATI; 51. Another name for 28-Across; 55. Soda fountain supply; 58. Gourmet; 59. Gene variant; 60. Word origin: Abbr.; 61. Crepes; 62. Kid’s comeback; 67. Meadows of comedy; 68. Certain Himalayan; 69. Anatomical cavity; 71. Needing a lift?; 72. Reveal to, as a secret; 74. Grouse; 75. Serf; 78. W.W. II Axis leader; 79. Leman and others; 80. American suffragist honored with a 1995 stamp; 81. Desires; 82. Genesis creator; 88. Cowboy actor Calhoun; 90. Jug capacity: Abbr.; 91. A deadly sin; 93. Saturn S.U.V.; 94. Les ETATS-Unis; 96. Cry upon an arrest; 97. Is honest (with); 100. Old Indian V.I.P.; 103. Numbers game; 104. Some sneakers; 105. Way out; TERI Polo of “Meet the Fockers”; 107. Galway Bay’s ARAN Islands; 109. Explorer Tasman of Tasmania fame; 110. Messenger of Noah; 112. “Rule, Britannia” composer; 113. Sleep indicators; 116. “Baudolino” author; 117. Thrice, in Rx’s; 119. Collector’s goal.
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