11.29.09 -- Puns & Anagrams


Sunday, November 29, 2009

PUNS AND ANAGRAMS, Puzzle by Mel Taub, edited by Will Shortz

This type of puzzle is a play on words and this puzzle is indeed cryptic. Every clue is, well, either a pun or an anagram. This Sunday's perfect example is not without a groan or so when the answer materializes, and even then when the answer appears only from crosses, it can remain a mystery.

Across: 1. Where worshipers, with much ado, gasp, PAGODA; 8. Separate verse, SEVER; 13. Violinist and heathen in one, PAGANINI; 14. One who fits in the Rialto, TAILOR; 16. Nine seas, somehow, IN A SENSE; 17. Peace’s way out, ESCAPE; 18. Writes in “Sterne”, ENTERS; 19. Vinancial vorveit, VINE; 21. 21. Diamondback, MEG; 22. I, sir, was a muckraker, RIIS; 23. Making HENS meet (goal of a chicken social network); 24. W = E, WISE; 25. Any 100 yrs., CEN; 26. Vulgar scars, CRASS; 28. Reached ingot, GOT IN; 29. Satire with a new hero, EREWHON; 31. Re TNT or flood, TORRENT; 33. Rear deer, HIND; 34. Down with Arabians rejecting Iran: Fr., ABAS; 35. Transportation in a bad epic, PEDICAB; 38. Raises making Stu flip, LIFTS UP; 42. Orate about a figure in myth, ERATO; 43. Shoelace part at Gate 50, AGLET; 45. Girl in Monaco, ONA; 46. It gives me an identity, NAME; 47. Symbol for adding up: Sl., PLUS; 48. Camels ‘ave ‘em, UMPS; 49. He’s a peasant at heart, ASA; 50. Country a long way from Lima, MALI; 51. Who did Ana see in Troy?, AENEAS: 53. Small lump of egg & nut, NUGGET; 55. Real score of zero in tennis, TRUE LOVE; 57. Agrees it can spatter on a stove, GREASE; 58. In re rail service, it’s an alternative, AIRLINES; 59. He makes the grade, EDGAR; 60. Like the food Rod eats, ROASTED.

Down: 1. Could Anne rip basket?, PANNIER; 2. Like a stone for Anita, e.g., AGATINE; 3. What sages use for heating, GASES; 4. Difference between a Barron and a baron, ONER; 5. Things heard in stadiums, centrally, DINS; 6. T or F, in San Jose, ANS; 7. Strains to see one palindromic girl around another, SIEVES; 8. They’re found in machine gun nests, STENS; 9. See a way to comfort, EASE; 10. Tim’s companion, VIC; 11. Who did Ali meet long ago?, ELAMITE; 12 Manages to get one person, ROPES IN; 13. President Gore, PIERCE; 15. Concerning chap who is a university V.I.P., REGENT; 20. Where stabled horses are found, INSTALLED; 23. H & O, HANDBALL; 24. Defeat “W.” sort, WORST; 26. Smart, with nothing to suggest a Marx brother, CHICO; 27. Friend of Nora, RONA; 28. Contemporary of J. Cagney and H. Bogart, GRAFT; 30. Isle of WHITE (Antarctic atoll); 32. Award for obstetrics, I.e., OBIE; 35. Where Ann & Peg met in Malaysia, PENANG; 36. Use rare elimination, ERASURE; 37. Injured as mother got older, DAMAGED; 39. Unknown person on moon, see?, SOMEONE; 40. How might a country road in Va. End up, UNPAVED; 41. Spares a quarterback, at times, PASSES; 44. What kind of string did Ira tug?, GUITAR; 47. Parent, mostly, PATER; 48. Until a lamp goes on, it’s this, UNLIT; 50. It’s almost the same as a plateau, MESA; 51. Austria? It’s lacking atmosphere, AURA; 52. Lee’s fish, EELS; 54. Choke on a joke, GAG; 56. City that’s patriotic to the core, RIO.

Click on image to enlarge.

Puzzle available on the internet at

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