09.18.10 — Building Support...


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Puzzle by Natan Last, Brown University, ‘12, edited by Will Shortz

This week, from Monday to Saturday, every puzzle was authored by a member of the Puzzling Association of Brown University, surely building support for the future generations of puzzledom. Last, but not least, today’s odd crossword is taut with testosteronic topicality — a toga party at a tutor’s tea for television trivia!

Across — 1. 45, e.g., DISC; 5. Founding member of Public Enemy known for wearing large clocks around his neck, FLAVOR FLAV; 15. ELLA at Duke’s Place” (1965 jazz album); 16. 2007 satirical best seller subtitled “And So Can You!”, I AM AMERICA; 17. FLOR de Caña (Nicaraguan rum); 18. First British group since the Beatles to have two albums in the U.S. top 10 at the same time, SPICE GIRLS; 19. “That’s a great price!”, SWEET DEAL; 21. Strained, TAUT; 22. MELBA sauce (sugary puree); 23. Run for it, SEAT; 25. Bygone medical ventilator, IRON LUNG; 28. Hikes, TRAMPS; 37. Perfectly, PAT; 33. Bldgs. with community courts, YMCAS; 35. Building support, STRUT; 36. Area worth the most bonus troops in the game Risk, ASIA; 38. Literary captain who says “It’s better to sail with a moody good captain than a laughing bad one”, PELEG; 40. About, AS TO; 41. Solid, STOUT; 43. More solid, SANER; 45. Defunct ministry initials, PTL; 46. Hatted bell ringers, SANTAS; 48. Relaciones Espirituales” writer, ST TERESA; 5. Fish also called a Jerusalem haddock, OPAH; 52. Site of a noted ancient league, IONIA; 53. Caustic soda, symbolically, NAOH; 56. One may cause your dinner to be spoiled, LATE LUNCH; 59. Out of it, IN LALA LAND; 61. Wet bar, maybe, SOAP; 63. 2009 Lady Gaga hit, BAD ROMANCE; 64. Oread in love with her own voice, ECHO; 65. One of an evil fairy tale duo, STEPSISTER; 66. Three-player game, SKAT.

Down — 1. “Fo’ sho”, DEF; 2 Distresses, ILLS; 3. What some plays are shown in, SLOW MOTION; 4. List quickly?, CAREEN; 5. Alternative to a shake, FIST BUMP; 6. Bachelor party entertainment, LAP DANCES; 7. Date in France?, AMIE; 8. Spanish cows, VACAS; 9. Breakfast dish, OMELET; 10. Pump abbr., REG; 11. 9-Down variety, FRITTATA; 12. Money in the banca, once, LIRA; 13. Org. since 1920 with many staff lawyers, ACLU; 14. Sweeping, VAST; 20. “For Better or for Worse” matriarch, ELLY; 24. “ARS sine scientia nihil est” (Latin motto), translation: "Art is to conceal art" or "The art is in concealing the art"; 25. “Not for me”, I PASS; 26. Certain Afrocentrist, RASTA; 27. Bashes, GALAS; 29. Board game grande dame, MRS PEACOCK; 30. Attempts to sink, PUTTS; 31. Lady Liberty garb, STOLA; 34. Topic in artificial intelligence, SENTIENCE; 37. Variety of zither, AUTOHARP; 39. Age, GET OLDER; 42. Minor hit, TAP; 44. Brand in contact lens care, RENU; 47. Makings of a hero?, SALAMI; 49. Some salon jobs, RINSES; 51. Papa Bear of Chicago football, HALAS; 53. Bills, NIBS; 54. Gut course?: Abbr., ANAT; 55. Adjective for a coach house inn, maybe, OLDE; 57. “TANT pis!” (“Too bad!,” in France); 58. Nelson’s catchphrase on “The Simpsons”, HAHA; 60. LOS Banos, Calif.; 62. Where the chips fall where they may?, POT.


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