02.08.14 — The Saturday Crossword


Saturday, February 8, 2014

Puzzle by Doug Peterson and Brad Wilber
Edited by Will Shortz

Across — 1. Things millions of people have received in history?: Abbr., BAS; . 4A. Snap, FLIP ONE’S LID; 15. Dieter’s beef?, ACH; 16. Foreigner hit in the musical film “Rock of Ages”, JUKE BOX HERO; 17. TRA poco (soon: It.); 18. Western way, OREGON TRAIL; 19. Guy, HOMBRE; 21. Youngest player to qualify for an L.P.G.A. Tour event, WIE; 22. Ain’t fixed?, ISN’T; 23. Ticket number?, SPEED; 24. Lock combinations?, DOS; 25. Jewish community org., YHMA; 26. Running back’s target, HOLE; 27. Five minutes in a campaign itinerary, maybe, PHOTO OP; 29. Physics class subj., ELEC; 30. Chestnut, say, OLD SAW; 31. 2013 Spike Jonze love story, HER; 34. Piece in a fianchetto opening, BISHOP; 35. Squalid, SLEAZY; 38. Yo-yo, AS; 39. Play with someone else’s toy?, DOG SIT; 43. “Check it out!,” in Chihuahua, MIRA; 44. Induces a shudder in, REVOLTS; 45. Hominy makers extract it, BRAN; 46. One attached to a handle, CBER; 48. Decks, KOS; 49. Something a baton carrier might pick up, TEMPO; 50. PARI passu (on equal footing); 51. Head, for short, LAV; 52. This point forward, HERON; 53. Sri Lankan export, ORANGE PEKOE; 56. Day of the week of the great stock market crash, Oct. 29, 1929, TUE; 57. It once had many satellites in its orbit, SOVIET UNION; 58. Prefix with -gram, ANA; 59. Prized cuts, T BONE STEAKS; 60. Nutritional inits., LDL.

Down — 1. Biblical figure famously painted nude by Rembrandt, BATHSHEBA; 2. Certain temple locale, ACROPOLIS; 3. Not likely to blush, SHAMELESS; 4. Steep-sided inlet, FJORD; 5. It may be on the line, LURE; 6. Nickname on old political buttons, IKE; 7. Watchmaker’s cleaning tool, PEGWOOD; 8. Threesome needed in Wagner’s “Ring” cycle, OBOISTS; 9. Bar NONE; 10. Call routing abbr., EXT; 11. Peewee, SHRIMP; 12. Useful item if you 39-Across, LEASH; 13. “Three Sisters” sister, IRINA; 14. Fool, DOLT; 20. Tree with burs, BEECH; 24. Shipping choice, DHL: 25. Protest vehemently, YOWL; 27. Low-priced American vodka known affectionately (and ironically) as “Russia’s finest”, POPOV; 28. Brewers’ hot spots, OASTS; 31. Music genre of Poison and Guns N’ Roses, HAIR METAL; 32. Poet arrested for treason in 1945, EZRA POUND; 33. Golden Globes nominee who was a Golden Gloves boxer, RYAN O’NEAL; 35. River through Silesia, ODER; 37. Reddish remnant, EMBER; 40. Quit working, GO KAPUT; 41. Austrian neighbor, SLOVENE; 42. “IT’S alive!”; 44. Curb, REIN IN; 46. Health store snack ingredient, CAROB; 47. “Inside the Actors Studio” channel, BRAVO; 49. Nancy Drew never left hers behind, TEENS; 50. Honeycomb maker, POST; 51. “I’m game”, LET’S; 52. Left or right, say, HOOK; 54. “No kiddin’!”, GEE; 55. “The Power to Surprise” sloganeer, KIA.


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Puzzle available on the internet at
THE NEW YORK TIMES — Crossword Puzzles and Games.

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