Puzzle by Alex Silverman / Edited by Will Shortz
FAB / FOUR (32A. With the shaded squares of 35-Across, subject of this puzzle), YELLOW SUBMARINE (14A. Navy captain’s favorite Beatles song?), SHE’S LEAVING HOME (17A. Empty nester’s favorite Beatles song?), WHEN I’M SIXTY-FOUR (35A. Sexagenarian’s favorite Beatles song?), PAPERBACK WRITER (55A. Author’s favorite Beatles’ song) and HERE COMES THE SUN (58A. Early riser’s favorite Beatles song?) constitutes the interrelated group of this fine Monday crossword.
Other — BRAVAS (23A. Cries to divas), GALILEO (21D. Astronomer who discovered the main moons of Jupiter), QUAYLES (22D. Vice-presidential family of 1989-93), QUANT (22A. Math whiz, in Wall Street lingo), UVULA (31A. Dangling tissue near the tonsils).
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Almost everyone makes the mistake that the S stands for System, it does not. It's the Global Postioning Satellite System or GPS system for short.