03.28.09 -- Singers & Structure

Singer Building at Night, Charles Vezin (1858-1942)
March 28, 2009
Puzzle by Joe Krozel, edited by Will Shortz
This Saturday’s crossword features eight 15-letter entries -- four across -- INTERNAL REVENUE (15. Estate taxes, e.g.);
SCARLET TANAGERS (17. Grosbeak relatives); A LOT ON ONE’S PLATE (50. Tons of work to do); PLEASURE CRUISES (53. Carnival offerings); and four down -- UNCONDITIONALLY (2. Without reservations); STAND ON ONE’S TOES (3. Try to get a better view, say); ONE MOMENT PLEASE (12. Operator’s line); EUROPEAN THEATER (13. It included the Eastern and Western fronts).
Eight-letter entries --
BISCOTTI (36A. Crunchy café treats); DINETTES (29A. Parts of some studios); NATALIES (7D. Wood and others); SIT ERECT (34D. Be no slouch in class?).
Seven-letter --
APTERAL (22D. Having no aisles, in architecture); BRAVOED (8A. Applauded with shouts); DESSERT (14D. There’s sometimes no room for it); HI SPEED (1D. Like many Net connections); HUSSEIN (1A. Big catch of 2003); IRELESS (37D. Having no spleen); SAGE TEA (39A. Herbal brew); SEA MAPS (35D. Oceanographers’ references); SINUSES (23D. Allergies often affect them); SPILL IT (26A. “Fess up!”); SYSTEMS (64A. Digestion and circulation); TASTERS (55A. Intrepid palace employees).
Six --
BE MINE (36D. Words from the heart?); BRASIL (8D. Five-time winner of the Copa do Mundo); GATORS (40D. Southern snappers, briefly); LT COLS (16D. Maj. Superiors); NO MEAT (31A. 11-Down’s request); 35A. SINGER Building, company headquarters erected in 1908 in New York City, at the time the tallest building in the world); SUSANN (34A. “Valley of the Dolls” novelist); TORIES (33A. Reactionaries).
Five --
AETAT (43D. Old tombstone abbr. meaning “at the age of”) ; 22A. Joseph ALOIS Ratzinger, birth name of Pope Benedict XVI; LAMES (44A. Disables); MATED (46A. Like shoes and socks); O’NEAL (49A. Cager who starred in “Kazaam”); PONTE (18A. Common sight in Venezia); SAMOS (20A. It’s north of the Dodecanese Islands); SERTS (4D. Some Spanish murals); STIES (26D. Major messes); TOSCA (27D. Object of Cavaradossi’s affection); UNLIT (45D. Dark); VEGAN (11D. One on a strict diet).
Four --
ANSA (42A. Looped vase handle); AVAS (10D. Prizes for video production); DOSE (47D. Recommended intake); ENDS (21A. Line pair); 5D. “Phineas Finn” character Barrington ERLE; NOPE (24A. Casual rejection); OPUS (49D. Work ID); ULEE (45A. Title apiarist of a 1997 film).
Three -- ACS (19A. Temp. reducers);
EDO (25A. Nigerian native or language); EOE (38A. Want ad abbr.); ERG (30D. Dyne-centimeter); INE (6D. Serpent’s tail?; 28A. La MER Caspienne; MAO (32D. Red giant?); NUM (51D. O.T. book); PHR (41A. Sentence part: Abbr.); REN (9D. TV canine); SRA (52D. Title of respect in 8-Down: Abbr.); TIR (48A. French shooting match).
The preponderance of white squares and minimal black squares may be of interest to those concerned with the visual and statistical aspects of a crossword puzzle -- it’s actually a rather solver-friendly diagram and its’ structure will probably be seen time and again in the future.
For today’s cartoon, go to
The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
Click on image to enlarge.
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