04.11.09 -- Saturday Sigh!

Love’s Last Sigh (Paradise and the Peri), Lalla Rookh, An Oriental Romance, Thomas Moore, 1817
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Puzzle by Karen M. Tracey, edited by Will Shortz
Oh, it’s definitely Saturday!
Nine-letter entries --
ATONALITY (17A. Feature of the 1925 opera “Wozzeck”); AVALANCHE (50A. Go downhill fast); CALICOCAT (29D. Litter member that’s almost always female); DIGESTION (53A. Gut reaction?); DONIZETTI (19A. “Lucrezia Borgia” composer); INAGROOVE (30D. On one’s game); PRICELINE (12D. Alternative to Travelocity or Orbitz); ROSEAPPLE (10D. Fragrant fruit used for jellies and confections); SACAJAWEA (14A. Her face began to circulate in 2000); SOPHOCLES (31D. He wrote “Time eases all things”); UNEASIEST (55A. Least comfortable); YAKETYSAX (11D. Musical accompaniment to many a comedic chase scene).
Eight-letter --
CROSSBOW (Old bolt shooter); EELGRASS (33D. Plant with long ribbonlike leaves); JAZZESUP (15D. Adds spice to); ZENSTATE (22A. A Buddhist might be found in one).
Seven --
FLAPPER (36A. Historical decorum disdainer); RUBADUB (37D. Drumbeat); SAYINGS (8D. Saws); SCISSOR (28A. Clip); SEEPSIN (32A. Enters gradually); SWITZER 6D. Child actor Carl who played Alfalfa); TELEXES (38A. Outdated communications); TOWAGES (38D. Tugboat fees).
Six -- BOVINE (41D. Jersey, e.g.);
DELANO (35A. California city near Bakersfield); EMERGE (24A. Spring); MOTETS (25D. Some a cappella music); PANOUT (34A. Bear fruit); PETTER (7D. Dog owner, often); SEEDER (23D. Farming machine); TUBORG (40A. Danish beer brand).
Five -- ANTIC (45D. Bit of harlequinade); ARNAZ (21A. “Holiday in Havana” star, 1949);
1A. Carne ASADA (roasted beef dish); ASKIN (18A. Warmly welcome); ATEST (56A. Big shock wave producer, briefly); BATOR (2D. Mongolian for “hero”; CHART (9D. Plot); CRYPT (9A. Undercroft); ECOLI (52A. Gut flora); HOARY (16A. Grizzled); ICIER (46D. Relatively remote); MOOCH (49A. Bum); RAITT (44A. “Something to Talk About” Grammy winner, 1991); 20A. 1920s-’60s Tennessee congressman B. Carroll REECE; 54A. Screen SAVER; SHIRT (43D. Jersey, e.g.); TANIA (4D. “Lost” actress Raymonde); TENTS (48D. Nonpermanent residences); THOSE (47D. Word that might accompany finger-pointing); UCONN (3D. Big East b-ball powerhouse.
Four -- ABUT (1A. Be against); BESS (57A. Gershwin title character); CRES (58A. Musical score abbr.); ENOS (27D. Biblical 905-year-old); LEAS (51D. Bucolic backdrops); MESA (49D. Pueblo site);
PYLE (26A. “The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood” author Howard); SPFS (28D. Nos. on some lotion bottles); TALE (5D. Related thing); TSPS (5A. Equal measures?: Abbr.); TYNE (13D. River near Hadrian’s Wall).
SIGH (39A. Dramatic exhalation)!
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Puzzle available on the internet at
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1 comment:

KarmaSartre said...


Just dropped by to catch up on my art lessons. Always a pleasure to come here...