03.05.11 — Ourang-Outang, et al

The Murders in the Rue Morgue by Edgar Allan Poe, 1841,
illustration by Tatsuya Morino


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Puzzle by Randolph Ross, edited by Will Shortz

Across — 1. Drawing room gathering, ART CLASS; 9. Yankee star who batted left and threw right, MARIS; 14. Went off on, RAILED AT; 15. Channel between mainland England the Isle o Wight, with “the”, SOLENT; 16. Place to stretch one’s legs, KNEE HOLE; 17. Leg supports, TIBIAE; 18. It has two bridges in India, SITAR; 19. Homeostatic, IN BALANCE; 21. Head-tail connection, NOR; 22. Fathers, in the Bible, BEGETS; 23. Jack-a-dandy, FOP; 24. More often than not, AS A RULE; 26. Neil Diamond’s “September MORN”; 27. It may be pulled on a field, HAMSTRING; 30. Abided, BORNE; 31. Missing links, so to speak, APEMEN; 32. Euphemizes, MINCES; 33. Figure in the high 60s, D-PLUS; 34. Things rolled over by cars, ODOMETERS; 37. A LAD of life, an imp of fame; / Of parents good …”: “Henry V”; 38. Like many an unsuccessful politician, ONE-TERM; 39. It’s perfect, TEN; 40. Secret places, CRYPTS; 41. Title in Topkapi, AGA; 44. Capital served by Faleolo International Airport, APIA SAMOA; 46. “A transient madness,” per Horace, WRATH; 48. Audits, with “on”, SITS IN; 49. Term of endearment, SWEET PEA; 51. Getting ready, with “up”, TEEING; 52. Subway line, EAT FRESH; 53. Piece of schoolwork, ESSAY; 54. See 40-Down, DNA TESTS.

Down — 1. They’re open on Saturdays, ARKS; 2. Took to the clink, RAN IN; 3. Hook up with, TIE TO; 4. Poorly explained, CLEAR AS MUD; 5. Specialty oven, LEHR; 6. Upset, ADO; 7. Real-life opera composer who’s a title character in a Rimsky-Korsakov opera, SALIERI; 8. Arm of the British military, STEN GUN; 9. Churns, MOILS; 10. “Valentine’s Day” co-star, 2010, ALBA; 11. Buttress, REINFORCE; 12. Trapped, IN A CORNER; 13. Slope, STEEPNESS; 15. Only one bears the name of a U.S. president, STATE; 20. E.U. member, BELG; 22. Place for a dance, BARN; 25. Images on windows of une cathédrale: Abbr., STES; 26. Area where Dali, Monet, Picasso and van Gogh all painted, MONTMARTRE; 27. Sipped, HAD A TASTE; 28. McDonald’s offerings, APPLE PIES; 29. Black gemstones, MELANITES; 230. Stand at a ceremony, BIER; 32. Hugo’s Thénardier and others: Abbr., MMES; 34. Word: Suffix, ONYM; 35. Toppled, DEPOSED; 36. Senator supporter, OTTAWAN; 38. Rue Morgue murderer, ORANG; 40. Hit TV series featuring 54-Across, CSI NY; 42. Goggles, GAPES; 43. Mushroom grower, for short?, A-TEST; 45. Land shared by Iraq and Iran, ASIA; 46. Tapestry thread, WEFT; 47. Lots of laughs, HAHS; 50. Touchdown stat, ETA.

CAUGHT - In the Bois de Boulogne, early in the morning of the - inst., (the morning of the murder,) a very large, tawny Ourang-Outang of the Bornese species. The owner, (who is ascertained to be a sailor, belonging to a Maltese vessel,) may have the animal again, upon identifying it satisfactorily, and paying a few charges arising from its capture and keeping. Call at No. ---- , Rue ----, Faubourg St. Germain - au troisiême.
~ Edgar Allan Poe, The Murders in the Rue Morgue


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Puzzle available on the internet at

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