06.22.11 — A to Z

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Puzzle by Tim Croce / Edited by Will Shortz

THE FIRST LETTERS OF EACH CLUE GO FROM A TO Z IN ORDER (21A. Including 38-, 41- and 60-Across, a description of this puzzle’s theme) is this agreeable Wednesday crossword’s raison d'être.

Other —ABCS (51A. Z is that last of them), ADORNING (12D. Xmas tree activity), END LATE, FLURRIED, IT ISN’T SO, MANTRAS (7D. Sacred words repeated in prayer), NET ZERO, ODOR FREE, RUN OVER, TAXI STAND, VERTEBRAE (66A. Facet joints connect them).

Mid-size — ANTES, ARISEN, ARTOIS (28A. Historical region of France), BAD RAP, CATTLE, CREATE, ETHIC, HAS IT, IN THAT, ISSUES, LAXEST, LEAD TO, LEARN, MATHIS (29A. “No Love (But Your Love)” singer, 1958), NOTRE (5D. Québécois‘s “our“), OMAHAN, OMASUM (6D. Ruminant’s third stomach), SCREED, SEDONA, SEES IN, SEISM, SEURAT (24A. Kröller-Müller Museum artist), SHIRTS, SPRAIN.

Short stuff — AMAS, ANNA, ARC, ASIF, ASS, COLA, EDA and ESA, ENTS, ERR, ERTE, “It must’ve been something I ATE“, ICES, ISLE, ITS, LAS, LDL, LTD, LYE, MALI, NEIN, NOME, NOS, NNE, NSA, OMAN, OSSO, PERT, RATE, RBIS, ROSS, SLAT, SIS, SMUT, SPED, STE, TMI, TOE, Xavier Cugat film “YOU Were Never Lovelier“.


Click on image to enlarge.

Puzzle available on the internet at
THE NEW YORK TIMES — Crossword Puzzles and Games.
Remaining clues — ACROSS: 1. Aerated beverage; 5. Bering Sea port; 9. Common ankle injury; 15. Domitian’s “you love”; 16. Eastern sultanate; 17. Forerun; 22. Jalisco article; 25. La.-to-Mich. Dir.; 27. Middle-earth creatures; 32. Often-misused possessive; 33. Pa. accident site of 1979; 36. Quake; 37. “Red Storm Rising” grp.; 38. Second part of the description; 43. Under 100 mg per deciliter of this is considered optimal; 44. Verse oneself in; 47. When to take off: Abbr.; 49. YM or Us output; 55. Act humanly; 56. Because; 59. Curve; 60. Description’s end; 65. Emerged; 67. Greets at the door; 68. Harper’s Bazaar illustrator of the 1910s-’30s; 70. John McCain ranch locale; 71. Katharine of “The Graduate”; 72. Lost no time. — DOWN; 1. “Moo” makers; 2. Native Nebraskan; 3. Overpermissive to the extreme; 4. “Pshaw!,” to a Valley girl; 8. Take too long; 9. Unit for a chairmaker; 10. Vivacious; 11. Words per minute, e.g.; 13. “You’re wrong!”; 14. ZIP codes, e.g.: Abbr.; 19. Auntie, to Mom; 22. Body of principles; 26. Conductor ___-Pekka Salonen; 28. Dominique, e.g.: Abbr.; 30. Elba, for one; 31. Filth; 34. Guinea’s neighbor to the northeast; 35. Hot-weather treats; 38. Incapable of being detected, in a way; 39. Just left a dusting, say; 40. Knows the answer; 42. LeShan who wrote child-care books; 43. More common name for caustic soda; 45. Not stay within the allotted time; 46. Online option since 1998; 50. Polos, e.g.; 52. Quite an injustice; 53. Result in; 54. Speech that harangues; 57. Throws in a chip; 58. Ungulate’s hoof, essentially; 61. Veal dish ___ bucco; 62. Words after let or count; 63. “X-Men” actress Paquin; 64. Yount had 1,406 of them; 65. Zebra relative.

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