08.03.14 — Chee Whiz!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

“Chee Whiz!”, puzzle by Ian Livengood / Edited by Will Shortz

The sound of “chee” is explored in this dull crossword rife with bandage clues throughout:

WOUNDED NIETZSCHE (24A. German philosopher with an injury?)
FILTHY RITCHIE (30A. Guy who’s covered in mud?)
BLACK TAI CHI (51A. African-American martial art?)
THE LONE STARCHY STATE (64A. Only form that carbohydrates take?)
I GUESS SOCHI (80A. Unsure answer to “Where were the 2014 Winter Olympics held?”?)
TABLE FOR TUCCI (97A, Actor Stanley’s dinner reservation?)
ARCHIE RATED MOVIE (107A. Film reviewed by Jughead’s friend?)

Other — BATTLE AXE (114A. Arm that’s swung), CHAI (37A. Spiced tea), CORK (33D. Stop on a wine tour?), ERASED and ERADICATED (59D. Did away with; 2D. Do away with), HOOCH (67D. Moonshine), JOEYS and ROOS (72A. Baby 38-Across; 38A. 72-Across, e.g., informally), LAST WISH (46A. Request upon leaving?), LYRIC POEM (76D. Classical work accompanied by a musical instrument), OBERON (43D. Shakespeare character with a magic aphrodisiac), POSES and SITS (29A. Models, in a way; 39A. Models).


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Puzzle available on the internet at
THE NEW YORK TIMES — Crossword Puzzles and Games.

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