Saturday, October 25, 2014
Puzzle by Patrick Blindauer / Edited by Will Shortz
Update — All of the Xs from the week of puzzles lined up by the number in their squares equals 20 5 13 16 21 19 6 21 7 9 20, coded alphanumerically to result in T E M P U S F U G I T (“Time flies”).
If you do the Times crossword on a daily basis you have probably noted the brouhaha surrounding this week of puzzles. The Times sent out messages to bloggers of the puzzle to not reveal material related to same due to being the final crossword of a metapuzzle "contest" — so, that's over with and done.:

Other — AMENS (19A. Shows of appreciation for services provided?), AND/OR and DRANO (47A. Bit of writing that’s slashed?; 48A. Household brand that‘s an anagram of 47-Across), ASSET (13D. What you will?), ATRIA (32D. Pair of hearts?), BENSON (41D. Half of a cigarette?), I CLAUDIUS (31D. 1977 PBS sensation), I DIDN’T CATCH THAT (36A. “Huh?!”), IN TRANSIT (17A. Coming or going), ION STORMS (54A. Sci-fi disturbances), IRRITATES (31A. Needles), LET’S PARTY (8D. Fraternity house cry), MMXL (5A. 100th anniversary of Disney's "Fantasia"), O’ER and OAR, OATS (29A. Some Arabian food), PIE JUSU (42A. Requiem Mass part), SENSUALLY (38A. How Marilyn Monroe sang "Happy Birthday to President Kennedy), UPDO (57A. It‘s hair-raising), X TINA (9A. Singer Aguilera's nickname).
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