03.07.15 — The Saturday Crossword

Dark Moonlight, pixshark.com


Saturday, March 7, 2015

Puzzle by David C. Duncan Dekker / Edited by Will Shortz

Across  1. Completely, FROM A TO Z; 9. Southern river to Winyah Bay, PEE DEE; 15. Something you might make a stand for, LEMONADE; 16. Speaking part, LARYNX; 17. Quaint raid targets, ICEBOXES; 18. Minnesota county whose seat is Grand Rapids, ITASCA; 19. A lot of bucks … or the Bucks, briefly, MIL; 20. Tees off, NETTLES; 22. Herbert LOM of Hollywood; 23. Hit 90, e.g., SPED; 25. Their pH’s are often measured, SOILS; 26. Force user, JEDI; 27. Elusive giants, YETIS; 29. C. J.’s boss on “The West wing”, JED; 30. Sickening thing, TOXIN; 31. Boiling evidence, VAPOR; 33. “See the difference a little drop can make” sloganeer, VISINE; 34. A in typing class, e.g., HOME KEY; 37. Hodgepodges, RAG BAGS; 38. “Hold your horses!”, IN A SEC; 39. Beaucoup, MUCHO; 40. Modern back-and-forth, TEXTS; 41. Model material, KIT; 42. Unlikely to stress out, TYPE B; 46. Makes one’s bed?, SOWS; 47. Key of Debussy’s “Claire de Lune”, D FLAT; 49. What often produces passing thoughts?, SEMI; 50. Where the Saguenay R. flows, QUE; 51. Boston area known for its brownstones, BACK BAY; 53. Execute a motion on the fly?, ZIP; 54. Still in development?, UNBORN; 58. Pink application to red areas, CALAMINE; 58. Breezed through something, ACED IT; 59. Debated, debated, debated, AGONIZED; 60. Place less value on, DERATE; 61. They use every letter 1-Across, PANGRAMS.

Down — 1. Very weak, FLIMSY; 2. It might tell you to chill, RECIPE; 3. Cheese OMELET; 4. Descend upon in droves, MOB; 5. Like Mr. X, briefly, ANON; 6. Burdens, TAXES; 7. European Union anthem, ODE TO JOY; 8. Spiced up, say, ZESTIER; 9. Carries on steadily, PLIES; 10. Works on a course, EATS; 11. Follower of Johnson or Kennedy, ERA; 12. Source of a character flaw?, DYSLEXIA; 13. Some intelligence work, ENCODING; 14. Checks, EXAMINES; 21. One of several awarded to Pres. Clinton, LLD; 24. Strips of land, say, DIVESTS; 26. Sequel to Alcott’s “Little Women” and “Little Men”, JO’S BOYS; 28. ‘Land SAKES!” (quaint cry); 30. Like the best of friends, TIGHT; 32. PEC deck (gym machine); 33. Little sucker?, VAC; 34. Group of dispatchers, HIT SQUAD; 35. Two tablespoons, ONE OUNCE; 36. “Science as a Vocation” sociologist, MAX WEBER; 37. It’s sometimes called a yellow turnip, RUTABAGA; 39. Toadstool that exudes latex when cut, MILK CAP; 41. Sister of Pizza Hut, KFC; 43. Cup-shaped forest fungus, PEZIZA; 44. Shady Records co-founder, EMINEM; 45. Birds, e.g., BIPEDS; 47. Writer about a hellish journey, DANTE; 48. Hook on a kite, TALON; 51. Musical lead-in to pop, BRIT; 52. Light principle, YANG; 55. Concubine’s chamber, ODA; 57. Follower of Salyut 7, MIR.


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Puzzle available on the internet at

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