Thursday, December 20, 2007
Click here for LARGE PRINT. Puzzle by Peter A. Collins, edited by Will Shortz
EVERYENTRYTHATS (17A. Explanation of this puzzle’s theme …) INTHEGRIDHASTHE (25A. …including this… ) SAMEFIRSTLETTER (42A. …still more…) ASTHEENTRYSCLUE (56A. …and, finally, the end of the explanation) -- by the time one gets to the end of the explanation, it’s too late to help in the solution. Oh, well.
Across: 1. DAFT, Ditsy; 5. OVEN, Oast; 9. LOSIN, Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Am I ____"; 14. OLLA, Oviedo stew; 15. NEMO, Nautilus captain; 16. ACHOO, Allergic explosion; 20. SAX, Single-reed instrument; 21. ILES, Isolated French places; 22. AIRWAY, American or Delta route; 23. SPEE, Scharnhorst admiral of W.W. I; 24. ACNE, Adolescent outbreak; 32. DAWES, Director of the budget who became U.S. vice president; 33. NIT, Niggling criticism; 34. REN, Rapper MC ___; 35. ENOS, Enoch's great-great-grandfather; 36. SPITS, Sticks turned over a fire; 38. MOST, More than half; 39. ANA, Anecdotal collection; 40. OAT, One may be rolled; 41. MOUSE, Macintosh accessory; 47. SIRE, "Sovereign"; 48. VASE, Vessel for a florist; 49. BUSTLE, Busyness; 52. ATRA, Alternative to a Trac II; 53. ARM, Appendage; 59. RELET, Rent again; 60. CAAN, Corleone portrayer; 61. ABET, Aid in crime; 62. ODORS, Offensive emanations; 63. ONYX, Ornamental stone; 64. TASS, Transmitter of cold war news.
Down: 1. DOES, Discharges; 2. ALVA, An inventor's middle name; 3. FLEX, Flaunt, say, as muscles; 4. TAR, Tobacco smoke component; 5. ONELEG, On which an arabesque is performed; 6. VENEER, Varnished surface, sometimes; 7. EMTS, Experts at CPR; 8. NOR, Neither's partner; 9. LATINO, Lady from south of the border; 10. OCHRES, Orangish tones; 11. SHAW, "Saint Joan" playwright; 12. IOTA, Insignificant amount; 13. NOSY, Not just casually interested; 18. YIPES, "Yowzer!"; 19. YACHTS, You can see them at marinas; 23. SHES, Sinatra tune "___ Funny That Way"; 24. ADIT, Access for a collier; 25. IDEAS, Inspirations; 26. NANNA, Norse goddess married to Balder; 27. TWOAM, Time to close a bar, maybe; INITS, "I" and "M" in I. M. Pei: Abbr.; 29. TROUT, They chase flies; 30. HESSE, Hermann who wrote "Steppenwolf"; 31. ENTER, Exit's opposite; 36. SOIREE, Shindig of sorts; 37. PARE, Peel; 38. MOTE, Minute bit; 41. MESAS, Monument Valley sights; 43. ESTHER, Espoused of Ahasuerus, in the Bible; 44. FILETS, Fish orders; 45. TVTRAY, Tube watcher's food holder; 46. LARYNX, Language organ; 49. BARO, Beginning for metric; 50. USED, Utilized; 51. STLO, Site of July 1944 fighting; 52. ATAN, Arrive ___ agreement; 53. ALBA, Actress Jessica, 54. RUES, Regrets; 55. METS "Miracle" team of 1969; 57. NCO, No lieutenant yet: Abbr; and 58. Cool CAT.
TATA, "T -t--that's All Folks!"
For today’s cartoons, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
The New York Times Crossword Puzzle solution above is by the author of this blog and does not guarantee accuracy. If you find errors or omissions, you are more than welcome to make note of same in the Comments section of this post -- any corrections found necessary will be executed promptly upon verification.
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