The grave of C. T. and Ada ING.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Puzzle by Lynn Lempel, edited by Will Shortz

Love this SUNNY (21A. Cheerful) crossword, full of thINGs that HINTAT (5D. Merely suggest) an ARSENAL (14D. Weapons stash) of YESES (38D. Si and oui). The STORK (41A. Bird on birth announcement cards), DIVAS (56A. Beverly Sills and others), GEESE (51A. Birds flying in V’s) send us sINGING and soarING into SPACE (55D. Rocket’s realm).

Places: AUSTRIA (40D. Home of the von Trapp family); PADUA (9D. City where Galileo taught); EDAM (31D. Dutch city with a cheese market); ARCH (14A. St. Louis landmark); SPA (28A. Where you might get into hot water?); LEA (39A. Meadow); ATMS (46A. S. & L. conveniences).
Other entries: Six-letter, ECLAIR, ROTATE, MESHES, TRUSTS, NUDGED and NESTLE, and ARISES. Five-letter, ERECT (69A Straight up), ATARI, IDTAG, DOWRY, SCROD, ATPAR, LARGO, GOTIT, STYES, and EASED (52D Lessened, as pain). Four-letter, PSST, ALTO, DATE, PLEA, AXED, WASH, TONY (12D. Broadway award), LORE, PERM, ASKS, DADA, IMAX, and ANTS. Three-letter, TAR, GUM, WPA, YEW, SRI, NHL, DAM, and BRA (64A. Top half of a bikini) (What?...for that strINGbean Olive Oyl?)!
O.K., let's get workING, ING! -----------------
For today's cartoons, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
The New York Times Crossword Puzzle solution above is by the author of this blog and does not guarantee accuracy. If you find errors or omissions, you are more than welcome to make note of same in the Comments section of this post -- any corrections found necessary will be executed promptly upon verification.
Puzzle available on the internet at
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7D Custardy dessert; 22A Take turns; 35A Interlocks; 50D Prodded gently; 49D Get cozy; 42A Comes about; 53A Has confidence in; 13A ___ 2600 (classic fideo game console); 24A Dangler on a suitcase; 37A Bride’s bounty; 58A Young cod for dinner; 2D Even, on the leaderboard; 3D Slow, in symphonies; 17D “Oh, I see”; 21D Eyelid nuisances; 9D “Hey you!”; 65A Fruit from a palm; 66A “Don’t hurt me!,” e.g.; 68A Laid off, as workers; 1D Do the laundry; 32D Oral tradition; 29D Straight-to-curly transformation, informally; 30D Poses questions; 56D 120s art movement; 57D Giant-screen theater; 61D Tiny tunnelers; 34A Cigarette substance; 44A Wrigley’s product; 60A F.D.R. job-creating measure: Abbr.; 69A Wood in archery bows; 4D ___ Lanka; 8D Rink org.; 25D River blocker
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