Monday, December 8, 2008 Puzzle by Sarah Keller, edited by Will Shortz JEWELRY(40A. What the starts of 17- and 62-Across and 11- and 34-Down may each be a piece of), along with CHAINSTORE(17A. Many a mall outlet), RINGBINDER(62A. Place to keep a report);PINNUMBER(11D. A.T.M. access code) and STUDPOKER(34D. Five-card or seven-card game) are the interrelated entries in this Monday back-to-work crossword full of the familiar jewels of puzzledom.
ELITIST (4D. Nose-in-the-air type) and SNOB(27A. Nose-in-the-air type) are today’s Shortzesque entries; ICIER(15A. Less cordial) and RIME(15A. Hoarfrost) also smack of snobbishness; while OVINE(50D. Sheeplike) and NINNY(51A. Fool) said together makes for a terrific putdown! Rhyming entries are MARCO(60A. Polo who visited Cathay) and MAKO(61A. Dangerous shark); also SOAR and SIRE, and EGO crossing ERGO. Foreignese -- AHORA(56A. Now, in Nogales);5A. “HASTA la vista, baby”. The mystery clue or mystery entry is ACHOO (2D. Possible reaction from getting a cold shoulder?) -- is it in vogue to sneeze at a snob?
Seven- and six-letter entries include ARDENT(45A. Devoted);ENAMEL (29A. Tooth covering); EUROPE (46D. The Continent); MANUAL (35A. Instruction book); MOMENTS (24D. Instants); NEAREST (26D. Most at hand); OREIDA (10D. Frozen potato brand);PUTSON (49A. Dons);SODIUM (23A. “The Na in NaCl); TENANTS (44D. Renters); TENDON (52A. Muscle/bone connector); UNDONE (43A. Not yet taken care of); XANADU (25A. Citizen Kane’s estate).Five-letter -- DRDRE(53D. Rapper with a professional title) is handy when the puzzle’s author is stuck with that sequence of letters; 3D. To andFRO; 65A.INNERtube;JUNTA(40D. Ruling group after a coup);MEYER(68A. Swimmer Debbie who won three golds at the 1968 Olympics); NORMS(55D. Standards);OCEAN(54D. Neptune’s realm);SECTS (1D. Religious splinter);SIOUX(7D. Sitting Bull or Crazy Horse) riding close by with TONTO(20A. Scout master?);8D.TERRAcotta, can also produce a full army; WANLY(22D. In a weak manner);WINKS (22A. “Just kidding” signals).Short stuff: ACTS, AGEE, AMOK, AMPS, ARE, ASHE, BAWD, BRO and BRR, EAU, ECOL, EGO, ENOS and ERGO, HARI and HEMI, HIS, LESS, LOOT and LOT, NEO and NOUN, OPAL, PLEA, PREP, PSST(32A. “Hey, over here!”), RIM and RIME, SATE, SENS, SIRE, SOAR and SUR, TRAM, TROT, ULNA, VIA. Nice bling-bling!
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Xword search information -- Across: 1. Fill to excess; 10. Milky white gem; 14. Earth Day subj.; 19. Slaughter in the Baseball Hall of Fame; 21. California’s Big ___; 38. Dude; 39. Land to build a house on; 41. A conceited person has a big one; 42. ___ de Cologne; 44. Gait faster than a walk; 47. Arthur of tennis; 58. By way of; 64. Get ready, for short; 66. Carrier of coal from a mine; 67. Filly’s father; 69. Upper house members: Abbr. Down: 5. ___ and hers; 6. Isn’t idle; 9. “___ we having fun yet?”; 12. Not a good way to run; 13. Subtracted by; 18. Verb accompanier; 28. Madam; 30. Therefore; 31. Plunder; 32. “Not guilty,” e.g.; 33. Fly high; 36. Prefix with classical; 37. Radius neighbor; 48. Powerful auto engine; 56. Concert equipment; 57. Mata ___; 59. “A Death in the Family” author; 62. What a “swish” basketball shot doesn’t touch; 63. “It’s c-c-cold!"
1 comment:
great recap and pictures as always, and a special thanks for introducing me to the term "shortzesque." As always, the term "P.I.N. Number" irked me to no end (Personal Identification Number...Number?!?!) though the rest of the puzzle was entertaining as always.
1 comment:
great recap and pictures as always, and a special thanks for introducing me to the term "shortzesque." As always, the term "P.I.N. Number" irked me to no end (Personal Identification Number...Number?!?!) though the rest of the puzzle was entertaining as always.
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