12.15.08 -- Monday Menu

In this photo shot in August 1897, Jack London is believed to be the young man in the group on the right, second from left. –
Frank LaRoche photo, courtesy of Dick North and the Jack London Museum in Dawson City
Monday, December 15, 2008
Puzzle by Susan Gelfand, edited by Will Shortz
Four authors whose last names serve as part of food items along with their first names as part of the clues constitute this Monday back-to-work crossword puzzle’s interrelated entries -- POUND CAKES (18A. Poet Ezra’s favorite desserts?); LAMB SHANKS (62A. Essayist Charles’s favorite entrée?); RICE PUDDING (4D. Writer Anne’s favorite dessert?); LONDON BROIL (27D. Writer Jack’s favorite entrée?).
Mid-size entries include ACCEDE (20A. Give in to); AMPERE (5D. Electric current unit); DOODAD (19D. Thingamajig); DROWSY (30A. In need of a nap); PUCKER (9D. Purse the lips, with “up”); QUENCH (41D. Satisfy, as thirst); SÉANCE (46A. Activity in a darkened room); SEAPORT (24A. City with ships at docks); SUNBATH (52A. Attempt at getting a tan); TUSSLE (49D. Tug-of-war).
Five-letter entries -- ABIDE (53D. Put up with); ATLAS (1D. Book often stored horizontally); AZURE (66A. Sky-blue); BLADE (34A. Main part of a knife); DEGAS (69A. Impressionist Edgar); ERICA (3D. Jong who wrote “Fear of Flying”); HAYES (55D. President after Grant); PEACE (2D. War’s opposite); PSHAW (9A. “Aw, quit your joshin’!”; QUAID (41A. Hollywood’s Dennis or Randy); RISES (38D. Reacts to yeast); SETIN (48A. Become established); SOAPS (29D. Afternoon TV fare); TATUM (26D. Actress O’Neal); TILLS (54D. Money drawers); TRAIT (51D. Stubbornness or kindliness, e.g.); UTICA (16A. Erie Canal city); UVEAS (28A. Eye parts); VOLGA (45A. River to the Caspian); XENON (8D. Gas in arc lamps).
Short stuff: ACES, AMEX, ANNA, APER, BRA, 34D. Parker BROS (game co.), CDS, CLAD, DAZE, DOUG, DOVE, ELUL, ESP (23A. It transcends sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch), GENT, HIKE, IDLE, ITAL, KAN, LAIC, LESS, LIME, LOOK, MOLE, MOO, NOEL, NONO, OILY, OMNI, ONTO, RIND (40A. Skin of a fruit), SMUG and SNUG, STA, TERI, TONE, TORA, WASP, WOOL, UMPS, VINE, YOGA (33D. Exercise with crossed legs).
Who gets the Parker rolls?
For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
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