11.10.13 — Bye-Lines

Sunday, November 10, 2013

“Bye-lines” — Puzzle by Alan Olschwang / Edited by Will Shortz

HI-YO SILVER AWAY (23A. The Lone Ranger), THE BALCONY IS CLOSED (47A. Roger Ebert), TH-TH-TH-TH-THAT’S ALL FOLKS (64A. Porky Pig), SAY GOODNIGHT GRACIE (79A. George Burns) and …AND MAY GOD BLESS (109A. Red Skelton) constitute the interrelated group of this swell Sunday crossword.  For more of the same, HERE.

A few more words…

Other — AERATING (34A. Infusing with a soda maker), ALBERTA (103A. Home of Banff National Park), ARIANE (2D. Massenet opera based on Greek myth), ASPERSES (14D. Defames), BAD TRIP (98A. Something you want to come down from quickly), EMINEM (112A. Record of the Year Grammy nominee for “Lose Yourself”), IDI AMIN (50D. Oscar-winning Forest Whitaker role), INCENSE (18D. Holy smoke), IN UTERO (21A. 1993 5x platinum Nirvana album), IPOD NANO (81D. Apple product), MAGENTA (113A. Primary pigment for printers), OGLALA (74D. Black Hills native), SABENA (1A. Former Belgian national airline), SAVANT (22A. Wise guy), SURF CITY (9D. Nickname for Huntington Beach, Calif.), TANKING (17D. Going down in the rankings, say), TIE RODS (116A. Auto steering system components), TOLTEC (56D. Ancient Mexican), ULALUME (84D. Poem that ends “This ghoul-haunted woodland of Weir”), YES IT’S ME (80D. Possible answer to “Is that you?”).

“… tomorrow is another day!”


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Puzzle available on the internet at
THE NEW YORK TIMES — Crossword Puzzles and Games.

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