11.17.13 — Vowel Play

A sun dial in Meran featuring an AEIOU inscription, with Latin words.

A.E.I.O.U., was a symbolic device utilized by the Habsburg emperors. Emperor Frederick III (1415–93), who had a fondness for mythical formulae, habitually signed buildings and objects with the acronym. ~ Wikipedia 


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Vowel Play, Puzzle by Julian Lim / Edited by Will Shortz

Eight answers contain shuffled vowel strings (A, E, I, O and U, but no Y) in this pleasant-enough Sunday crossword:

CHATEAU OILS (23A. Paintings of French estates?)
ROUE AIRLINES (28A. Carrier for Casanovas?)
UNDERSEA OUIJA (52A. Aid for a submarine séance?)
MAUI OENOPHILE (82A. Hawaiian wine lover?)
ADIEU OARSMAN (103A. Last words from a coxswain?)
PRAGUE AIOLI (112A. Garlicky sauce in central Europe?)
BAHAI OEUVRE (36D. All the writings of a Persian faith?)
LEIA OUTCOME (40D. “Happily ever after” with Han Solo?)

Other — DON’T PANIC (111A. “Stay cool!“), ESSAY (121A. Swift composition), there’s your Y; FIND PEACE (66A. Achieve nirvana), MEDIA BIAS (25A. Spin, of a sort), MINNIE (62D. Toon with a polka-dot hair bow); POST-GAME (59A. When scores are settled?), SANDBARS (75A. Navigation hazards), THE SOPRANOS (38D. Hit show with many hits).


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Puzzle available on the internet at
THE NEW YORK TIMES — Crossword Puzzles and Games.

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