11.13.13 — Composition

"Composition in Blue, Grey and Pink" by Piet Mondrian, 1913


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Puzzle by Jean O’Conor / Edited by Will Shortz

PESTO (61A. What you get when you blend the results of this puzzle’s recipe instructions), along with those instructions, constitutes the interrelated group of this Wednesday crossword:

MINCE GARLIC (17A. Recipe instruction #1)
GRATE PARMESAN (22A. Recipe instruction #2)
CHOP BASIL LEAVES (33A. Recipe instruction #3)
CRUSH PINE NUTS (45A. Recipe instruction #4)
ADD OLIVE OIL (53A. Recipe instruction #5)

Other — LINGERIE (19A. Slips and such), OBVIATES (50A. Renders unnecessary), O’LEARYS (25A. Owners of an infamous cow), OVERSTATE (30D. Fudge, say), Painter PIET Mondarin, REBIRTH (42A. Renaissance, literally), SPONGE BOB (3D. Squarish TV toon), SHRIEK and WAIL (14A. Cry of fear or hilarity; 27A. Banshee’s cry).


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Puzzle available on the internet at
THE NEW YORK TIMES — Crossword Puzzles and Games.

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