A recent comment received from an anonymous reader of this blog stated -- “One thing I've never been able to figure out...why are some of your entries in pink and others in white?” Well, I always thought they were a light lavender; however, for the record, the different color indicates a link -- it’s been that way almost two years, and now I find out just now there are those who don’t know that! O.K.!
Two twelve-letter entries lead off this Friday crossword -- KEEPSANEYEON (21D. Monitors); NOPAINNOGAIN (9D. Macho credo) -- followed by four ten-letter entries -- FAMILYROOM (3D. TV station?); JETSETTERS (54A. Much of high society); SAINTDENIS (29D. Burial site for many French kings); STRIPPOKER (18A. Game in which players barely bet?) -- a further note, when this blog lists entries by size, it’s in descending order with each group alphabetized.
QUICKFIX (20A. Makeshift) precedes a group of eight-letter entries all beginning with the letter “S” -- SCANNERS (50A. Needs for 8-Downs), which is MRI (8D. Hand pic, perhaps); SIRNOSIR (28A. Emphatic response during a drill); SEMINOLE (43A. Gator rival); SERENADE (38D. Fraternity activity); SPECIMEN (4D. Lab subject). Sometimes a link can speak more of an entry than any yak.
Seven-letters -- CLOSING (37A. Dealmaker’s delight); MARXISM (7D. School concerned with classes?); MOONSET (35A. Horizon happening); VESSELS (41D. Pitchers, e.g.). Hold everything, we’re not there yet!

Five -- ADORE (27D Dig deeply); ADREP (32A. TV biz figure); AGAVE (40A. Rope fiber source); ARESO (57A. Childish comeback); GENIE (42A. Beneficial thing to release); IMEAN (33A. Preceder of what should have been said); INNIE(30D. It doesn’t come out of the stomach); INUIT (24A. Yupik relative); 33D. Above ITALL; LAMPS (26D. Spelunking aids); LANES (22A. Drives in the country); NEILS (46A. Pulitzer-winning writer Sheehan and others); NICAD (9A. Certain dry cell, briefly); NIECE (25D. Salome, to Herod Antipas); OSAGE (16A. Language related to Winnebago); RAGED (31D. Spread unchecked); RISEN (60A. Up); TREYS (48A. They don’t take many tricks), except in strip poker!

And those pesky little three-letter entries, well, along with MRI there are just a half dozen -- 34A. 2008 French Open champion ANA Ivanovic; DER (13D. Overseas article); JAR (54D. Funerary receptacle); 39A. Club PRO; and 55D. TAU lepton.
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