WIKI (1D. User-edited online reference) tells us that INTERSTATE (20A. With 59-Across, highway that goes through the 15 places indicated in this puzzle, in order, north to south) NINETYFIVE (59A. See 20-Across) (I-95) is the main highway on the East Coast of the United States, paralleling the Atlantic Ocean from Maine to Florida and serving some of the most populated urban areas in the country, including Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., and Miami. It is one of the north-south routes of the Interstate Highway System, having replaced older U.S. Highways, mainly U.S. Route 1.

The remaining entries, however, do seem to exist simply to serve the indication of a highway within the puzzle, that too is good -- who wants to get LOST (33A. Needing directions)?
SHORTENED (10D. Abridged) and TWICEADAY (36D. Every 12 hours) are the only other long entries, followed by eight six-letter entries -- 38A. “Dueling BANJOS”; BONMOT (38D. Bit of wit); DEFINE (43A. Do lexicographical work); DRYOFF (49D. Use a towel); SMITTY (8D. Old Walter Berndt comic strip about a teen); STEPPE (21D. Treeless plain); STEROL (5D. Unsaturated alcohol); and WHITER (48D. Like sheets after bleaching).

Along the route, there are also plenty of three- and four-letter entries connected by the main road -- AJAR, AUST, AVOW, CCLI, CITY, CORA, CPA, DRAY, EARP, ELIS, ELLA, ELMO, ELSA, ERAT, ERES, ERST, ESPY, EVAH, HEMI, HERO, IRAN, ITAR, LADD, MEET, MESH, NAGS, NCAA, NOV, NSEC, NRA, OMAR, OVER, PORK, PRO, SCUD, SEGA, SHIP (One of the S’s in U.S.S.), SOFA, SUN, TACT.
Getting there is half the fun!
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Xword information -- Across: 6. Netting; 15. Pollster Roper; 16. Sizable sandwich; 18. Y’s guys?; 19. Epps of TV’s “House”; 22. Ice Capades venue; 24. Asset in answering the question “Does this dress make me look fat?”; 39. Declare openly; 42. Lawman Wyatt, 45. Phoenix cager; 46. Strong cart; 50. Cole Porter’s “Well, Did You ___?“; 63. Mideast missile; 64. ___-Tass news agency; 66. Movie lioness; 67. Nintendo rival; 69. Half of an E.P.A. rating; 70. Before, once. Down: 6. Convene; 7. Jazz’s Fitzgerald; 11. Hot-rod engine, briefly; 12. Tehran’s land; 13. Much-criticized Congressional spending; 25. Expert with I.R.S. returns; 27. Gun lobby inits.; 30. Slightly open; 31. Mrs. Dithers in “Blondie”; 32. Catch sight of; 33. Cheryl of TV’s “Charlie’s Angels”; 34. On the high side, as a guess; 35. Couch; 41. Make a knight; 44. Follower of Oct.; 56. Minute part of a min.; 57. 251, in old Rome; 58. Neighbor of Switz.; 60. Carps, carps, carps; 61. Part of Q.E.D.; 61. “___ Tu” (1974 hit).
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