Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Puzzle by Randall J. Hartman, edited by Will Shortz
In today’s crossword, P, PO, POL, POLK and POLKA are the clues for SIXTEENTH LETTER, RIVER OF LOMBARDY, CAPITOL HILL TYPE, FORMER PRESIDENT and OKTOBERFEST TUNE, respectively. Nice little turn!
The remainder of the puzzle is composed of short entries and of those, the longest contain only six letters, BISTRO (45D. Champs-Elysees sight); HERBAL (31A. Kind of tea) and ONIONS (42A. They may make you cry); SMEARS (5D. Dirty tricks on the campaign trail).
The bulk of the puzzle is made up of five-letter entries -- ALARM (14A. Oversleeper’s need); 20A. "AROOM With a View”); AUNTS (54A. Relatives of nieces); BELIE (45A. Contradict); CYCLE (35D. The Four seasons, e.g.); EARLY (13D. Jumping the gun); ENEMY (51D. Any Hatfield, to a McCoy); EXCON (15A. Parolee, e.g.); EXTOL (7D. Shower with praise); FLORA (46D. Plant life); GALAS (1A. Many fund-raisers); INLAW (23D. Holiday visitor, maybe); MEALS (26D. The squares of “three squares”); OAKIE (47D. Jack of “The Great Dictator”); ONELS (28A. Future J.D.’s); OPIUM (63A. Poppy product); ORING (67A. Space shuttle gasket); PARIS (49D. City of Light); RAZOR (64A. Five o-clock shadow remover); ROCCO (22D. Boxer Graziano, formally); ROTOR (48D. Helicopter part); 50. RUFUS T. Firefly, Groucho’s role in “Duck Soup”; SASSY (66A. Impertinent); SCHMO (8D. Dolt); SITAR (11D. Instrument played by George Harrison); SNERD (12D. Bergen dummy); SPAIN (36D. Where Rioja wine comes from); TENET (37D. Doctrine); TENOF (6D. :50); TESLA (6A. Electrical coil inventor); VEEPS (24D. #2’s).
Three- and four-letter entries -- AER, ALI, ANE, AMO and AMSO, ART, BALL, BIN, BOS, CLEO, CST, EAR and EARL, ELI and ELOI, EPA, ERG and ERO, GAS, ICAN, INA, LAOS, LAX, LOL, NON, OWS, RHO and RIO, SSE, STS, TAR and TEAR, TIED, TOME, UZI.
Click here for the “The Polka Dot Polka".
For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

Click on image to enlarge.
Puzzle available on the internet at
THE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games
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Xword information -- Across: 11. Seattle-to-Las Vegas dir.; 16. All ___ day’s work; 21. Warren of the Supreme Court; 29. It may be cupped or cuffed; 30. Jazz singer Laine; 35. Topeka hrs.; 41. Cries of pain; 43. “___ hardly believe it!”; 44. ___, amas, amat …; 53. Myanmar neighbor; 62. Sugar Loaf Mountain site, briefly; 65. ___ Lingus. Down: 1. It’s dispensed from a hose; 2. Remodeled Clay?; 3. Lenient; 4. Public hangings?; 9. Online chuckle; 10. “Wheel of Fortune” purchase; 18. Suffix with ranch; 19. Eye drop; 25. “The Time Machine” race; 27. Event for Cinderella; 39. Heavy volume; 40. Like a game heading into extra innings; 44. Reply to “Are not!”; 52. MapQuest quests?: Abbr.; 56. Jackson and Derek; 57. Air quality org.; 58. Driveway topper; 59. Submachine gun; 60. Dijon denial; 61. Work unit.
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