Abandoned tile silo outside Edwardsville, Illinois
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Puzzle by Steven L. Zisser, edited by Will Shortz
Today’s wisp of interrelated entries is constituted by the rhyming of homophonic clues, or something like that -- shower, bowers, towers, flower -- PLANETARIUM (16A. Meteor shower); FIDDLEPLAYERS (22A. Country bowers); TEAMSOFHORSES (46A. Farm towers); AMAZONRIVER (56A. South American flower). The probable intent is confusion -- you know, silos, flora, shelter and debris from the heavens.
Other long entries include ARMENIAN (38A. Georgian’s neighbor); BARNEYS (26A. Fife and Frank); DARKEST (44A. Most dismal); HALFMAST (36D. Flag’s position, at times); LIFESAVER (31D. Holey confection); MAINPART (7D. Lead role); MINTING (4D. Moneymaking activity); SKEWING (42D. Presenting unfairly); STAFFROOM (3D. Schoolteachers’ break area); WRESTLED (30A. Fought).
Five-letter entries -- AGREE (64A. What subjects and verbs should do), AERIE, ASFOR, ASTIN, AUTRY, CANOE, CHATS, COSMO, DONOR, EQUAL, HAZES, INERT, OLOGY, RAWLS, READE, SPOOR, TACOS, TASER, TERNS (12D. Fork-tailed fliers).
Four-letter -- AILS, ALAR, AMER, AQUA, ARON, BOLA, CAPS, DART, EMMA, EROS, ERTE, GERE, IWIN, LIES, 51A. “Look MANO hands!”, MEAL, MOON, MYST, OSLO, SOFT, TIDY, WAGE (52A. It may be minimum).
Three-letter -- ALS, APE, ARS, ATM, CST, CUT, DEY, EDU, IRA, LAO, MAE, NOR, OAR, ONE, REM, RIA, SLY, WAN (30D. Hardly ruddy).
That’s it -- CIAO (35D. “Ta-ta!”).
For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

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Puzzle available on the internet at
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Xword information -- Across: 1. Jerry’s sitcom neighbor; 6. Part of C.S.A.: Abbr.; 10. Winter hrs. in St. Louis; 13. John who played Gomez Addams; 14. The Cloister and the Hearth” novelist; 15. Pal of Tarzan; 19. Low on the Mohs scale; 20. “Bingo!”; 21. In romance poetry, a frequent rhyme for June; 28. Languishes; 29. Suffix with reflex; 34. Southeast Asian; 35. Online activities; 37. Org. in “Michael Collins”; 41. In reference to; 43. Square thing; 50. Shade at a swimming pool; 52. It may be minimum; 55. Paste’s partner; 59. Trireme tool; 60. Police weapon; 61. Like krypton; 62. Like some grins; 63. Last team managed by Casey Stengel. Down: 1. Play ammo; 2. Capital of 18-Across; 5. 1969 Three Dog Night hit; 6. Falcon’s home; 8. School’s Web suffix; 9. Band with the 1993 hit “Man on the Moon”; 10. Lake rental, maybe; 11. Animal’s trail; 14. “Lady Love” singer Lou; 17. Like Felix Unger’s room; 21. Computer game set on an island; 23. Susan of “L.A. Law”; 24. Link positions; 25. Bundy and Kaline; 26. Gaucho’s weapon; 27. Wing-shaped; 32. Lustful god; 33. Blowgun ammo; 39. Actress Samms; 40. Super ___ (Old game product); 41. Companion of scientia; 44. Blood drive attendee; 45. Schonberg’s “Moses und ___”; 46. Glen Bell’s fast food; 47. Add up to; 48. Cowboy who rode Champion; 40. Initiates cruelly; 53. Richard of “Bee Season”; 54. One-named artist; 56. Convenience store convenience; 57. Al Capp’s Daisy ___; 58. Narrow inlet.
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