06.25.08 -- REAL LOCATION

Naiads Pool -- Anonymous engraver after a picture by Herbert James Draper
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Puzzle by Rob Cook, edited by Will Shortz
What would crossword puzzles do without NAIADS (8D. Nymphs of myth) and ALIENS (20A. 1986 sci-fi sequel)? Or for that matter quite a few of this puzzle’s old standards -- ah, those lovely vowels in their strange arrangement -- RERAN (47D. Played over) as often as the refrain from “Old MacDonald’s Farm” -- EIEIO!
Today, reallocation , or the real location, or just plain “parse this” is the device of the inter-related entries, indicated solely by the individual clues -- REST ORATION (17A. Talk in one’s sleep?); RED ACTION (24A. Building the Berlin Wall?); REIN HABIT (34A. Equestrian addiction?); REAR RANGE (46A. Back burner?); and READ MISSION (54A. Literacy campaign?). Without the space, of course, the two words become one. Cool! ...and here are the supporting entries:
Seven-letter -- ABSENCE (42D. Report card notation); AIRDUCT (36D. Ventilation system part); CASINOS (3D. Houses of cards?); ERUDITE (40D. Well-versed); ETCHING (25D. Dürer work); ETHANOL (13D. It gives punch to punch); FORAGES (1A. Seeks food); MADEIRA (11D. Dessert wine); OMELETS (2A. Chefs flip them); ONAROLL (12D. Hot, in Vegas); PURLOIN (41D. Make off with); SCARILY (38D. In an alarming way); SNEEZER (37D. Blessing receiver).
Six-letter -- ALLIED (58A. United by treaty); ASSORT (36A. Put into piles); AVIARY (15A. Building with lots of wings); COGNAC (5A. Snifter filler); GODSON (45D. Barry Bonds, to Willie Mays); INTERN (4D. Often-unpaid worker); NEEDLE (61A. Eye site); ONCALL (32A. Ready at any time); ONSALE (44D. Marked down); SADDLE (52A. Get ready to ride, with “up”).
Five-letter -- ADELE (48D. Dancer with Fred); AROMA (9D. Coffee lure); CYNIC (10D. Ambrose Bierce, notably); GENRE (23A. Funk or punk); SOURS (49A. Goes bad).
Four-letter -- ABLE (35D. Fully fit); ARLO (29A. Janis’s hubby in the funnies); 5D. Bumper CARS; ETON (27A. School of William and Harry); FOCI (1A. Meeting points); GRUB (45A. Chuck wagon load); IBEX (39A. Long-horned goat); INCA (43A. Atahualpa’s people); NENE (62A. Protected state bird); OBEY (32D. Passé wedding vow verb); OMAN (14A. Neighbor of Yemen); ONLY (44A. Word before a discounted price); OTIC (59A. Suffix with hypn-); RAIN (24D. Reason for a makeup game); ROAR (34D. MGM sound effect); SATS (28A. Exams with three sects.); SIDE (52D. Flank); SPIT (28D. Rod at a roast); TACT (26D. Mediator‘s skill).
…and finally, a rest-in-piece oration by GEORGE.
For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
Click on image to enlarge.
Puzzle available on the internet at
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