03.15.10 — PARA...

Two Horsemen, Kitab al-Baytara by Ahmed ibn al-Husayn ibn al-Ahnaf, Baghdad,1210.


Monday, March 15, 2010  — The Ides of March

Puzzle by Fred Piscop, edited by Will Shortz

A paratactical foursome, PARAMOUNTS (17A. Two steeds?), PARACHUTES (57A. Two water slides?), PARATROOPS (11D. Two scout groups?) and PARAGRAPH (27D. Two charts?), wherein PARA substitutes for “pair of”, is the interrelated group of this amusing Monday crossword.

Other — CAPRIS (25A. Pants ending just below the knees), DEMERIT (5D. Point off, as for bad behavior), EMIGRATE (51A. Move to another country), GHETTO (43A. Poor, depressed neighborhood), HORSEY (44D. Rocking toy, in tot-speak), IN A SENSE (20A. Somewhat), JIGGER (29A. Small whiskey glass), LASSOS (45A. Rodeo ropes), LAUGHER (42D. Lopsided win, in slang), SMARTS (49A. Intellligence), TENANT (21A. One signing with a landlord).

Five-letter — AARON (46A. Hank whose home-run record was surpassed by Barry Bonds), AGENT (12D Player’s rep), AMOCO (47D. Oil company acquired by BP), ASLAN (46D. Lion in “The Chronicles of Narnia”), AWAIT (32A. Hang around for), BUTTE (38A. Isolated hill), ELIAS (61A. Sewing machine inventor Howe), E-MAGS (48D. Online publications, briefly), FAUST (6D. In legend he sold his soul to the devil), 24A. Industrialist J. Paul GETTY, GUSTO (41A. Hearty enjoyment), HOLED (1A. Sank, as a putt), JOTTO (29D. Word-guessing game), LAPSE (42A. Small error), MEATY (13D. Full of substance), MONEY (33A. $$$); OLIVE (14A. Item stuffed with pimento), RETRO (64A. Harking back to an earlier style).

Short stuff — ACHE, AGO, AIRE, ALA, ALSO, AREA (19A. Pi r squared, for a circle), ART, ATIT, AWOL, CANA, EAU de toilette, EGGY, EROS, ESSO, EVAS, FLAP, GEE, GENT, HOLY cow!”, HOPI, INTO, LAIC, LINE, LIRA, LOPS, MUST, NORM, NOSY, OAR, OLAN, ONUS, PEST, RIM, RULE, RUT, RYES, SPAM and SPAT, TEAR, TOSS, Living WAGE (what an employer is asked to pay).

Here’s a solo for the sign off… SWANEE (10D. Al Jolson classic).

Click on image to enlarge.

Puzzle available on the internet at

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Remaining clues -- ACROSS: 1. Sank, as a putt; 6. What bird wings do; 10. Usually deleted e-mail; 15. Suffix with zillion; 16. Living ___ (what an employer is asked to pay); 23. Groove; 34. Boat propeller; 37. “Cheers” barfly; 40. In the style of; 56. Cuts off, as branches; 59. Dull hurt; 60. Bug-eyed; 62. Like a buttinsky; 63. Deep-six. DOWN: 1. Arizona tribe; 2. “The Good Earth” heroine; 3. Italian currency before the euro; 4. Actresses Mendes and Longoria; 7. Queue; 8. The “A” in MoMA; 9. Cockroach or termite; 18. Cross to bear; 22. Like omelets; 25. Biblical water-to-wine site; 26. Missing roll call, say; 28. Salt’s place on a margarita glass; 30. Wild about; 31. “Wow, I didn’t know that!”; 33. Event not to be missed; 35. “Not to mention …”; 36. Dark loaves; 38. “However …”; 39. Is afflicted with; 41. Mannerly guy; 45. Of the flock; 50. Small argument; 51. Greek Cupid; 52. Govern; 53. Going ___ tooth and nail; 54. Go like hell; 55. Old U.S. gas brand; 58. “Fourscore and seven years ___ …”

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