Sunday, August 19, 2007
BURIED TREASURE Puzzle by Elizabeth C. Gorski, edited by Will Shortz
The inter-related entries of IVEBEENAMINERFORA (26A With 113-Across, 1972 song lyric hinting as this puzzle's theme), HEARTOFGOLD (113A See 26-Across), BYNEILYOUNG (64D Like 113-Across) , and SEVENTYNINE (68D Atomic number of the special parts of this puzzle which, when connected, form a 113-Across), along with entries in ten squares for the symbol of gold (Au) , are collectively the main feature of this Sunday crossword puzzle titled BURIED TREASURE. ACROSS: 1. As yet; 2. Strands in a diner; 15. March of ____; 20. Mme. Tussaud; 21. One who keeps a beat? 22. Opposition; 23. Complete flip-flop; 24. Mind; 25. Just above average; 29. Play group?; 30. ___ Tome; 31. Besmirching; 33. Scene; 34. They’re pitched; 36. Victorians, e.g.; 38. Patron saint of Norway; 39. Outdoor shindigs; 41. “Your mother wears army boots!,: e.g.; 44. Kristin ____, six-time swimming champion at the 1988 Olympics; 45. Classic Atari game; 48. Approaches; 51. Mahler’s “____ Lied von der Erde”; 52. “Typee” sequel; 53. First Shia imam; 56. Latin 101 verb; 57. Marie or Suzanne: Abbr.; 58. Homage to Clio” poet; 59. Some shavers; 61. Pianist Claudio; 63. “Barnaby Jones: star; 65. Set up; 67. Thick; 70. Check words; 71. D.C. pol; 72. Narc employer, for short; 74. “The Baptism of Christ” painter ____ della Francesca; 76. ____ Reader; 77. Child-care provider; 79. Capital city about an hour by plane from Miami; 81. Campaign expense; 82. End of a hammer; 83. Music unlikely to be played at a party; 84. Squeezing (out); 85. Weigh station sight; 86. Prefix with valve; 87. Delilahs; 88. Lifework; 90. White House advisory grp.; 91. Snorkeling locale; 93. Wide of the mark; 95. “The best ____ to come!”’ 97. European air hub; 103. “The Naked Maja” and “The Clothed Maja,” e.g.; 106. It’s often “proud”; 109. Sine of cosine; 110. Two-year periods; 112. Straight; 116. Solidarity symbol; 117. Director Wertmuller; 118. How ballerinas dance; 119. Jalapeno feature; 120. Tennis player Smasshnova; 121. Dairy aisle purchase; 122. Detects, in a way; 123. Slight difficulties; 124. Typical Mad reader........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................DOWN: 1. Laura Bush’s alma mater: Abbr.; 2. Nibble for Trigger; 3. Tropical cave dwellers; 4. Radiator part; 5. Go back (on); 6. Person with binoculars, maybe; 7. Glazier’s stock; 8. Mailing label abbr.; 9. Facilitates; 10. Bill who created the comic strip “Smokey Stover”; 11. Missy ____ with the 2002 hit “Work It”; 12. Some govt. investigators; 13. Indicator of silence; 14. Prefix with state; 15. Some Martha Stewart Living photo displays; 16. Locked up; 17. Deep black garnets; 18. Swift-running bird; 19. Way: Abbr.; 27. Lover boy; 28. Overseas Mrs.; 29. Burrito topping; 32. Reach an understanding of; 33. Mr. ____ of “The Wind in the Willows”; 34 Letters from Greece; 35. Mideast’s House of ____; 37. Peeved; 39. Common symbol in heraldry; 40. German-born Hollywood actor ___ Keir; 42. Org. of which U.S. Grant was once president; 43. Author Janowitz; 46. Even where chaps may be seen; 47. Warning, maybe; 49. “Close”; 50. Landing place;......... 53. Constellation near Scorpius; 54. Extol; 55. Magician’s name suffix; 58. Author who wrote “One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other”; 59. Harmless; 60. “Happy Birthday, Sweet Sixteen” singer; 62. Independent examinations; 63. All gone, in a way; 64. Like 113-Across; 64. Backside; 66. 1954 Jean Simmons movie; 68. Toronto transports; 70. Kind of platter; 71. Politico Agnew; 73. He played Grant on TV; 75. Like some of Keats’s work; 77. Sound; 78.Thing, in court; 79. Big inits. In Japanese computers; 80. Carpentry tool; 87. Pepper and others: Abbr.; 89. Frenzy; 92. Son of Aphrodite; 94. Like some yogurt; 95 Basketry fiber; 96. Parsley bit; 98. Boo-boo; 99. Microsoft man; 100. Park Avenue, for one; 101. Mountain climbers?; 102. Sign on to a computer; 104. French department in Picardy;.............................105. “Paradise Lost” figure; 107. “We got trouble!”; 108. Painter Magritte; 110. Whse., e.g.; 111. ____ of March; 114 ___ a crossroads; 115. Suffix with pay.......................................................................................................................

105D SATAN ("Paradise Lost" figure) -- Illustration, Gustave Dore
The New York Times Crossword Puzzle solution above is by the author of this blog and does not guarantee accuracy. If you find errors or omissions, you are more than welcome to make note of same in the Comments section of this post -- any corrections found necessary will be executed promptly upon verification.
Puzzle available on the internet at
THE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games
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I was [au]fully impressed by the fact that the [au]thor's AU's were symmetric. Was that not [au]some.
Au-some, yes. I also see a faint outline of a treasure chest with the black squares, which "chest" contains the large black T (also made of black squares) sitting on the base of the "chest" -- plus there are only two double-white square entries beneath the "chest" so it needs to be dug up first (to get the buried T, or treasure)-- Au-some!
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