Illustration by Jean Cocteau
Sunday, August 26, 2007
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Puzzle by M. Greene and Craig Kasper, edited by Will Shortz
Created with words of letters in circles (in fairly proper placement) is a face and/or head -- HAIR, SCALP, BROWS, EAR, EAR, EYE, EYE, NOSE, LIPS, and CHIN. This conceit can be of use in solving if discovered without too much pondering. It is a slim amount of entry assistance, but anything in an arduous crossword such as this, is welcome.
The ten entries that contain the circles -- BOOSTERCHAIR (21A Toddler’s mealtime accessory); FISCALPERIODS (29A Quarters for a business, e.g.); WEBBROWSER (54A Safari, e.g.); BEARTHEBURDEN (53D Be weighed down); BLEEDINGHEART (15D Empathetic one, derisevely); BLARNEYED (64A Persuaded with flattery); HEYERDAHL (66A Noted explorer of Polynesia); NANOSECOND (76A Time in which light travels one foot, approximately); LUNARECLIPSES (100A Astronomical events that occur twice or more a year), and CHINESEBOXES (113 Nested set of containers).
Interesting stuff: An IMAC (7A Product whose 1-Across is a 61-Across) has an APPLE (61A Snack item) as its EMBLEM (1A See 7-Across); 81A. Creatio ex NIHILO (Christian tenet), creation out of nothing; BORAXO (18A Heavy-duty hand soap), MUON (71A Particle created by a cosmic ray); and TATAMI (98A Teahouse floor covering).
Oh No!: OHNO (57A Worrywart’s cry) ONO (79D “Yes, I’m a Witch” musician), not these entries again: EXHALED (20A Showed relief, in a way); RATATAT (24A Battle report?); UGARTE (36A Lorre’s ”Casablanca” role); SANTA (42A Grinch disguise), just appeared in Friday’s puzzle; RAGGED (49A Rough), we had Raggedy Ann yesterday; CRETIN (58A Idiot), leave these poor souls alone; REESE (70A 1940s-50s Dodger who was a 10-time All-Star), sometimes Witherspoon, or with an “s”, the candy.
Nice to see: FREEDOM (117A License); and the seldom-seen entries, LASTORY (4D Steve Martin romantic comedy); ACTIONABLE (19D Worth trying?); KAZOO (14D Skiffle instrument); CYRIL (10D Saint for whom the Russian alphabet is named); ENCIPHERED (67D Secret); and CLUEIN (119A Tell); along with the “head” entries -- BOOSTERCHAIR, FISCALPERIODS, BLEEDINGHEART, BEARTHEBURDEN, WEBBROWSER, BLARNEYEYED, HEYERDAHL, NANOSECOND, LUNARECLIPSES, and CHINESEBOXES.
Other clues of interest are 11A. Posh part of Boston; 19A. Like some upset stomachs; 28A. Danger in a uranium mine; 74A. Comedy show that once featured John Candy and Martin Short; 107A. Filmed over; 121A. Relative of Rover; 5D. Like seven of Sophocles’ 123 plays; 13D. Political asset; 40D. Kerfuffle; 65D. Coin with kanji writing; and 93D. Cry of triumph after “Whew!” -- IMADEIT! That was a kerfuffle with a skiffle!
New to me were AXL Rose (12D); REDPINE (109A Minnesota’s state tree); and Music of Kanye West (97D HIPHOP) -- also, there's lots of fill which I won’t bring up so I won’t put it down, except for NOS and NOT, SES and SESS, PIG and PUB -- you get the idea.
Used a CRAYON (31D Tool for many a homemade Mother’s Day card) to color in the hard-to-see head/face parts in the grid -- but I hesitate to call it a tool!
I’ll stop now, or I’ll start finding more body parts (e.g., NAPES [101D Kittens’ “handles]) in this Sunday crossword puzzle head game and never get on with life!
For today's cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
The New York Times Crossword Puzzle solution above is by the author of this blog and does not guarantee accuracy. If you find errors or omissions, you are more than welcome to make note of same in the Comments section of this post -- any corrections found necessary will be executed promptly upon verification.
Puzzle available on the internet at
THE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games
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