A Soul Brought to Heaven, by Adolph William Bouguereau
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Puzzle by Allan E. Parrish, edited by Will Shortz
Heaven, Earth and Hell get musical representation in today’s crossword with the interrelated entries of TOOMUCHHEAVEN (19A. 1979 Bee Gee chart-topper), RAREEARTH (34A. Band with the 1970 hit “Get Ready”) and HIGHWAYTOHELL (50A. 1979 AC/DC seven-time platinum album).
EPITAPHS (39A. Many Latin compositions) and WEREWOLF (30A. Professor Lupin in Harry Potter books, e.g.) are slightly related eight-letter entries, connected by the nine-letter COFFEEPOT (20D. One that’s “perky” in the morning) spilling down the center of the diagram.
STMARK (36A. One of the four evangelists, briefly) or a SCAMP (48A. Devil) may be present to greet the candidates, real or imaginary, past or present, including AMAHL (9D. Menotti title character); AUSTEN (33A. Creator of the Bennet family); CLINE (49D. “Walkin’ After Midnight” hitmaker, 1957); a CROONER (17A. Dean Martin, for one); ELS (58A. Golfer dubbed “The Big Easy”); HAHN (54D. Violin virtuoso Hilary) and HANA (51D. Mandlikova of tennis fame); 14D. Michael LEAVITT, Bush secretary of health and human services; 47D. Patrick MAGEE, 1996 Tony recipient for “Marat/Sade”; MAO (47A. Author of a once-popular books of quotations); ORR (2D. 1967 N.H.L. rookie of the year); SAYERS (44D. Football Hall-of-Famer Gale); 14A. Suffragist Elizabeth Cady STANTON; a TECHIE (8D. Computer whiz) and a TRAINEE (37D. Drill instructor’s charge) and an entire PHALANX (40D. Military wing).
WORSHIP (1A. Temple activity) leads off the remaining numerous seven-letter entries -- ANNEXES (62A. Takes over); BROCADE (15A. Wedding gown material); CANTATA (18A. Bach work); CHANNEL (60A. Where the buoys are?); EMINENT (16A. Distinguished); ENLARGE (55A. Blow up); ENTENTE (13A. Accord); MINGLED (38D. Got around at a get-together); RADIATE (56A. Emit); ROOTFOR (3D. Support, at a game); SACHETS (36D. Lingerie drawer items); SEDATES (61A. Puts under); TAMALES (8A. Tex-Mex treats) and TEENIER (59A. Smaller than small).
ARISE (43A. Come up) leads the five-letter entries -- 6D. Radio HANOI (onetime propaganda source); MOTTO (28A. Part of a seal); MUFTI (21A. Civvies); SCOOT (4D. Tear out); SEDAN (48D. Q45 or Grand Marquis).
An APE (35D. Koko who communicates through American Sign Language, e.g.) ushers in the remaining small fill -- ANTA, ARID, ERAS, FIFE, FORK, HAM, IDEM, ILE, MINE, PERU, MINE, MOW, OIL, ORCA and OSHA, SIP, SPED, TEE, UTE, WARE, WBC, WRIT.
Near the end of his life, W. C. Fields, was asked by a friend who caught Fields reading The Bible if he had become religious -- Fields replied, not at all -- "I'm checking for a loophole"!

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Search information -- Across: 23. ___ change; 24. QB’s stat.; 25. Great Plains tribe; 26. County of St. Andrews, Scotland; 4. Shot (off); 45. Yes, in Yokohama; 46. Let go. Down: 1. Fighters’ org.; 6. Footnote word; 7. Locale for Che Guevara in “The Motorcycle Diaries”; 10. Harbor danger; 11. Architectural pier; 21. Shorten, in a way; 22. Multipurpose truck; 26. Chess tactic that involves attacking two pieces at once; 27. Spot in la mer; 28. Half-and-half, maybe; 29. Department of Labor agcy.; 31. Post-Civil War Reconstruction and others; 32. Pottery; 33. Unimaginative; 41. Eggs Benedict ingredient; 42. Hardly a chug; 52. Judicial director; 53. Killer whale; 57. Gadget for 58-Down.