Rolling Stones’ Mick Jagger, AP photo
Friday, July 25, 2008
Puzzle by John Farmer, edited by Will Shortz
The entry of JUMPINJACKFLASH (7D. Rolling Stones hit just before “Honky Tonk Women”) sports 12 black squares on its sides that fairly well divide this crossword in half, while the three remaining squares to either side of the 15-letter entry both contain ONE in the entries of ONEONONES (31D. Some court contests) and APOLLOONE (8D. Ill-fated NASA effort) and NAN (38A. Britton who wrote “The President’s Daughter,” 1927) as the three-letter across entry binding the down entries. SOJOURNERS (30A. Visitors) and TIMEPIECES (40A. Ones with read faces?) connect the center to the four corners of the crossword.
It appears that with “The President’s Daughter” Nan Britton wrote what is considered to be the first kiss-and-tell book, one in which she claimed to have been the mistress of President Warren G. Harding, and that Harding was the father of her daughter, Elizabeth Ann. One passage mentions their making love in a coat closet in the executive office of the White House. Déjà vu!
The remainder of the crossword DIDOK (44A. Got by), utilizing entries of far less sensation with the exception perhaps of UPACREEK (16A. In Dutch); MORTALLY (18A. How some are offended); NOOSE (27A. Sue Grafton’s “N”); STOOLS (61A. They may be lined up at the bar); HASHEESH(62A. Weed); WATTLE (22A. Turkey‘s dewlap) and IDOLIZE (41D Put on a pedestal).
Across: 1. Spell; 7. Crams; 15. Continue the journey; 17. Least hospitable; 19. Cobbler, at times; 20. Practice; 21. LESE-majesté; 23. Tribulations; 25. Baseball’s Belinsky and Jackson; 26. Prickly area of a prickly pear; 29. “Should IOR shouldn’t …”; 35. Cousin of a woodcock; 39. Fifth-century pope, the first to receive the title “the Great”; 43. Mac; 45. Rebelled; 48. “Calvin and Hobbes: bully; 51. Part of the N.C.A.A.’s purview: Abbr.; 52. Look daggers; 53. Start of a “Name That Tune: bid; 55. Text te-hee; 56. “Your children are not your children” poet; 57. Bank of America Stadium team; 59. Attire; 60. Inclusive words, fittingly?; 63. Herbs of the mint family.
As to the origins of Jumpin’ Jack Flash, The Rolling Stones’ Richards has stated that he and Jagger wrote the lyrics while staying at Richards' country house, where they were woke up one morning by the sound of the gardener, Jack Dyer, walking past their window. When Jagger asked what the noise was, Richards responded: "Oh, that's Jack - that's jumpin' Jack." However, Jagger said in a 1995 interview with the publication Rolling Stone that the song arose "...out of all the acid of Satanic Majesties... It's about having a hard time and getting out. Just a metaphor for getting out of all the acid things." Hear it HERE.
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