Thursday, July 16, 2009 Puzzle by Elizabeth C. Gorski, edited by Will Shortz ANAGRAM (35-Across. See 17- and 57-Across),ELEVEN + TWO (17A. 35-Across of 57-Across that equals 12-Down),TWELVE + ONE(57A. 35-Across of 17-Across that equals 12-Down),THIRTEEN(12-D. Either 17- or 57-Across) and IT ADDS UP (33D. Possible title for this puzzle) are the interrelated entries of this Thursday crossword. What a puzzlement!
Nothing else came much easier with this one -- AT EYE LEVEL(60A. Neither high nor low) and DIRIGIBLES(14A. Ships whose rudders don’t touch water) are the other two ten-letter entries. Two nine-letter entries follow -- B+ AVERAGE(15D. 3.3 in a transcript, maybe) and NERVOUSLY(28D. With clammy hands, say). Eight-letter entries include ART LOVER(20A. Aesthete),CASE FILE (11D. Detective’s work record),CUT-RATES (34D. Deep discounts) and DAMASCUS (53A. Destination of Saul when he had his conversion, in the Bible). Seven -- ITEMIZE (40D. Complete the I.R.S.‘s Schedule A), LATTICE (42A. Pie crust pattern), NEEDIER (28A. Less affluent), PROVIDE (10D. Be a breadwinner).Six -- ADRENO(49A. Endocrinological prefix); ATPLAY (1A Recreating),COSTAS (44D. Bob at the Olympics); DRIFTS (24A. Winter driving hazards);ELDEST (63A. First arrival); GROOVE (47D. Dig, with “on”); ISOLDE (9D. Singer of the Wagner aria “Liebestod”); LIVETH (4D. Dwells in the past?);NON+ED (46D. Puzzled); ORINGS (45A. Rubber gaskets); PRESTO (3D. Cry just before a rabbit appears), SCONES (48D. Servings at teas), TILSIT (2D. Swiss cheese); TOHAVE (26A. Start of a Hemingway title). Five -- 1D. “Take ADEEP breath”; ESSES (19A. Bobsled challenges); GAVEL (41A. Something a chair may hold), 29A.. French novelist Robert MERLE, upon whose work the 1973 thriller “The Day of the Dolphin” is based; QUEEN (50D. Doyenne); SNOOP (55A. Reader of someone else’s diary, say); SPELT (52D. Like L-O-N-D-O-N), ULTRA (7D. Extraordinary). Short stuff -- AERO, AGES, AMA, ASA, ASTI, BELA, BIC, CWTS, ETUI, INA, LGA, MLI, NEWT, ORCS, ORE, OSIS, OVA and OVEN, PCTS, PITT, QUO, RAHS, SELL, SSN and SSS, SRAS, SUEZ, UNI, VEE, YIN(6D. Feminine side). ----------------- For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.Click on image to enlarge.Puzzle available on the internet atTHE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games
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Remaining clues -- Across: 7. Commercial prefix with vision; 10. Election night figs.; 16. Sounds heard in a bowl; 18. Medical suffix; 22. The Big East’s Panthers, for short; 23. They travel through tubes; 31. Philosopher Zeno of Elea; 32. Signature piece?; 38. Nav. Rank; 39. Container for folding scissors; 50. Status follower; 51. Tolkien villains; 56. Sparkling wine source; 59. Mideast’s Gulf of ___; 61. Half-dome construction; 62. Govt. ID. Down: 5. So, so long; 8. Red-spotted ___; 13. Snake’s warning; 21. Lead from a mountain?; 23. Brickmaking need; 25. Women of Andalucia: Abbr.; 27. Drs.’ org.; 30. N.Y.C. airport; 32. Gymnastics coach Karolyi; 36. Britain’s Royal ___ Club, for plane enthusiasts; 37. 1051, on a monument; 43. ___ fog; 54. 100-lb. units; 55. Bear’s warning; 56. Simile center; 58. Flashed sign.
Tilsit, hmmm. never heard of it before but I figuured it out from contextural analysis. I half expected to see a cartoon from you with mice and Swiss cheese.
Tilsit, hmmm. never heard of it before but I figuured it out from contextural analysis.
I half expected to see a cartoon from you with mice and Swiss cheese.
Next time!
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