The Lantern Bearers, Maxfield Parrish ----------------- Monday, July 27, 2009 Puzzle by Allan E. Parrish, edited by Will Shortz PUBLISH OR PERISH (17A. College professor’s mantra), MAXFIELD PARRISH (38A. Highly collectible illustrator), any relation?, and LOUISIANA PARISH (59A. Lafayette or Orleans) cannot help but call attention to the surname of the constructor of this crossword -- deliberate? Perish the thought! Pairs? AWOLS (7D. Mil. Truants) and RENEGADE (41D. Deserter); DAIQUIRI (5D. Rum and lime juice drink) and SUNDAE (18D. Dairy Queen order); AUNT (56D. See 39-Down) and FRITZI (39D. Nancy’s 56-Down in the comics) or ELLER (4D. Aunt from “Oklahoma!”); MAP (1D. Atlas page) and RTE (34A. G.P.S. offering: Abbr.) and/or I’M LOST (29D. “Please help me with directions”) -- any others? Other mid-size entries-- AGE GAP (40D. Feature of a May-December romance); ARSENIC (30A. As, chemically); CASPAR (26D. One of the Wise Men); CO-HOST (33D. Matt Lauer or Meredith Vieira for “Today”); ENRICH (47D. Fortify with vitamins, e.g.); FORMER (22D. Previous); FUN RUN (22A. 2K race, e.g.); GET SET (52A. Gird oneself); GLAZER (54A. Finisher of pottery or cakes); INSOLE (32D. Cushiony part of a shoe); NO EXIT (24D. 1944 Jean-Paul Sartre play); NOISES (31D. Boom, zoom and vroom); PRANKS (21A. Short-sheeting a bed, TP’ing a house, etc.); RATED R (19D. Deemed not suitable for kids); 46D. REESES Peanut Butter Cups; RETIRES (45A. Hit’s the hay); ); STERNS (10D. Backs of boats); TIPPER (9D. One leaving cash on the table?); UNTAMED (23D. Wild).

----------------- For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

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Remaining clues -- Across: 11. ___-Magnon man; 16. Drink with Grabbin’ Grape and Smashin’ Wild Berry flavors; 27. Yoko of “Double Fantasy”; 28. Uganda’s ___ Amin; 42. Kuwaiti chief; 44. The upper Midwest’s ___ Canals; 48. Stimpy’s cartoon pal; 49. Ernie of golf fame; 57. ___ note (dictionary bit); 64. Bed-and-breakfast; 67. “Wanna ___?”. Down: 2. Critical hosp. area; 3. Yank’s foe in the Civil War; 8. Distant; 11. It might be cut by an uppercut; 12. Jeopardy; 36. They have precincts: Abbr.; 54. Fast-talking; 55. Unaccompanied; 58. Completely fill; 60. Rope-a-dope boxer; 61. Suffix with ash; 62. “My gal” of song; 63. 60-min. periods.
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