Abraham Lincoln & Mary Todd Lincoln greeting Union generals, Cabinet members, & others at a reception. Hand-colored lithograph by John Smith, Philadelphia, 1865, from The Library of Congress
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Puzzle by Emily Cox & Henry Rathvon, edited by Will Shortz

A. DIPTYCH (Artwork on two hinged panels);
B. OLDGLORY (What Betsy Ross worked on (2 wds.);
C. RICHTER (Eponym of a widely used logarithmic scale);
D. INDICTED (Charged in an unwelcome way);
E. SAGUARO (Set item in many a western);
F. GETHELP (“You should see a psychiatrist!”);
G. ORBITAL (Making the rounds?);
H. OBDURATE (not likely to say “I’m sorry” for a crime);
I. DYNASTY (Sports franchise that perennially dominates);
J. WILLYNILLY (Whether desired or not; randomly [hyph.]);
K. ICELAND (Country with the oldest known geyser…and from which the word “geyser” comes);
L. NEVILLE (Longbottom, bumbling friend of Harry Potter);
M. TAILWIND (Pilot’s aid in making good time);
N. EDAMAME (Boiled soybean pods, in Japanese cuisine);
O. ANTENNA (Destination of some waves);
P. MEMPHIS (Home of the bluesy Beale Street);
Q. OUTLAWRY (State occupied by Jesse James beginning in 1866);
R. FLETCHER (Person who makes arrows);
S. RENOWNED (Having widespread name recognition);
T. INCENSE (Staple of aromatherapy);
U. VERMONT (Abutter of Lake Champlain);
V. ACIDITY (What a pH below 7 indicates);
W. LADYDAY (Jazz nickname, or March 25 on the Christian calendar [2 wds.]);
X. SALUTES (Fire off 21 rounds, maybe)
Another fine acrostic from Emily Cox and Henry Rathvon!

The New York Times Crossword Puzzle solution above is by the author of this blog and does not guarantee accuracy. If you find errors or omissions, you are more than welcome to make note of same in the Comments section of this post -- any corrections found necessary will be executed promptly upon verification.
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