EMBALM (21D. Mummify) ------------------ Thursday, April 30, 2009 Puzzle by Greg Kaiser and Steven Ginzburg, edited by Will Shortz Crossword puzzles thrive on the pun, or paronomasia, a form of word play that deliberately exploits ambiguity between similar-sounding words for humorous or rhetorical effect from the intentional misuse of homophonical, homographical, homonymic, polysemic, metonymic, or metaphorical language. CAPITAL OFFENSES (36A. Pun-crimes committed by the answers to the six starred clues?) is today's example along with KHARTOUM (15A. *Final resting place for old autos?); BAGHDAD (24A. *Father of the Ziploc?); TRIPOLI (49A. *Wide shoe specification?); NEW DELHI (63A. *Recently opened sandwich shop?); DUBLIN (2D. *Multiplying' by 2?); BEIRUT (48D. *Base of a fragrant tree?), resulting in car tomb, bag dad, eee, new deli, doublin' and bay root -- hey, no offense taken! More geographics, sans paronomasia -- 56A. ASIA-Pacific; IDAHO (50D. Home of the Sawtooth Range); OKRA (6D. Food whose name comes from a language of West Africa); SIBERIA (14D. Home of the 2,700-mile-long Lena River); UBANGI (17A. Congo tributary). Other long entries -- FANATIC (39D. Extremist); NO CARBS (29A. Extreme Atkins diet credo); PAN-ARAB (46A. Like Gamal Abdel Nasser's movement); RUMINANT (18A. Cow or goat); SPACE BAR (57A. Long key). Mid-size -- AFRAME (34D. Simple building); ASSORT (47D. Categorize); BEAMED (20A. Showed joy, in a way); CIRRUS (64A. It's white and fleecy); COINOP (30D. Pinball machine, e.g.); DEAFTO (3D. Not heeding); EMBALM (21D. Mummify); GLIBLY (45D. With a silver tongue); HEFNER (25D. Original "Playboy"); INBORN (61A. Natural); MORALE (42A. Team esteem); ORIANA (33A. Author Fallaci); QUEUES (13A. Lines); SAMEAS (8D. Interchangeable with, with "the"); SARONG (43A. Island attire); SEEYOU (32A. "Ta-ta!"). Five-letter -- ADDLE (1A. Discombobulate); AQUAS (1D. Pool shades); BATTY (67A. Crackers); NOFEE (44D. Like many checking accounts); PANSY (53D. Violet variety); RIDGE (16D. First secretary of homeland security); SNOOP (31D. Listen in on); THUMB (7D. Big print maker). Short stuff -- ABRA and ALFA, AONE, APAR, AWW, CDS, COST, DART, DEM, DUDS, DYES, EEG, ELAN, EMT, FEND, GRIN and GUN, LAWS, LUNA, MAN and MTN and MTGE, NIB, OPEN, OTS, PEA, PERI, SEP, SIT, SNL, TOA, YON. No offense! ------------------- For today's cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

THE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games If you subscribe to home delivery of The New York Times you are eligible to access the daily crossword via The New York Times - Times Reader, without additional charge, as part of your home delivery subscription.
Remaining clues -- Across: 6. Reasons some games run long: Abbr.; 9. You can get one on the house: Abbr.; 19. Preceder of bravo in a radio alphabet; 22. Canine command; 23. Person on the left?; Abbr.; 35. Repel, with "off"; 41. Like some primaries; 51. Work, as a battle station; 52. Wm. H. Taft was the only U.S. president born in this month; 65. Parts of codes; 66. Thataway. Down: 4. ___ moth; 9. Atlas abbr.; 10. ___ degree; 11. Rev; 12. R.N.'s colleague; 23. It has feathers and flies; 26. Reddens, maybe; 27. Tiptop; 28. Bombs; 36. Ooutlay; 37. On ____ with; 38. Actress Gilpin of "Frasier"; 40. Personal flair; 55. Sign of sheepishness; 56. Start of a magic incantation; 57. ___ Digital Short; 58. Bit of a stew; 59. "How cute!"; 60. Bank offerings, in brief; 62. Penpoint.