06.12.09 -- Overload

June 12, 2009
Puzzle by Patrick Berry, edited by Will Shortz
T.G.I.F.! Thunder and lightning, incarceration, reptiles, adultery, demotions and firings, despots and dislikes, lousy drivers and topes, Truffulas and hasenpfeffer!
ELECTRICAL STORM (3D. Potential blackout cause) and PRISONER OF ZENDA (11D. 1894 adventure novel with “The”) are the long entries of this Friday crossword, followed by LESS IS MORE (8D. Central concept of minimalism) and BEST IN SHOW (25D. Top dog).
Nine-letter entries include HAIR TONIC (43A. Alopecia sufferer’s purchase), OPEN-SIDED (47A. Like gazebos, often),
PREMIERES (17A. Red carpet events) and SALE PRICE (14A. Nice figure).
Eight-letter --
ADULTERY (33A. Frequent subject on “Desperate Housewives”); ALLEGROS (9D. Quick movements); APIARIES (31D. Things getting a lot of buzz about them?); BE STRONG and SINGSONG (25A. “Don‘t give up!” and 23A. Uninteresting voice); CAR SEATS (2D. They come with belts); DUMPED ON (29D. Bad-mouthed); HERMIONE (27A. Friend of Harry and Ron); MISSPENT (38A. Wasted); SLIMLINE (36A. Like some jewel cases).
Seven -- ANTLERS (40A. Head set?); DEMOTES (4D. Puts in a bad position?); DESPOTS (29A. Unilateral decision-makers); DISLIKE (34D. Find objectionable); SEEPS IN and SOUPS ON ((20A. Enters via osmosis and 10D. “Come and get it!”); 23D.
Midgard SERPENT (monster of Norse myth); TINFOIL (35D. Early phonograph cylinder covering).
Six -- BANZAI (39A. “Char-r-rge!“); CAGING (12D. Putting away); DUFFER (41A. Lousy driver, say); ENTITY (21D. Body);
HELLER (27D. Author of “Something Happened,“ 1974); SCOPES (19A. One of Darrow’s clients); SETTER (22A. Hunting companion, maybe); SINEAD (36D. Musical O’Connor).
Five -- ADMEN (48A. Pitching staff?); ASPCA (9A. It has a facility with animals: Abbr.); AXING (13D. Giving a pink slip); BURNT (39D. Very well done); 46A.
“Donnie DARKO“ (201 cult film); FREER (5D. Less reserved); GEOID (42A. Imaginary surface coinciding with the earth’s sea level); HAFTS (37D. Swordsmen’s grips); HARES (24A. Main ingredients in hasenpfeffer); HIFIS (37A. Bygone players); LORAX (16A. Truffula Tree defender, with “the”); LUIGI (18A. Playwright Pirandello); MAGDA (38D. One of the Gabor sisters); PIPES (15D. Singer’s gift, colloquially).
3, 2, 1... I‘m on my way home!
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Remaining clues -- Across: 1. Served well; 5. Without ___ (religiously); 26. Manufacturer of boxy cars; 28. Isolated PC key; 30. Excellent, slangily; 35. Empty bottles; 49. Communism battler, with “the”; 50. Miss. Down: 1. Deadly desert denizen; 6. Show of superiority; 7. Winter coat; 22. Mule, e.g.; 32. Portrayer of TV’s Ricky; 41. Conks out; 44. Caricature; 45. Certain investments, for short.

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