The Snow Queen, illustration by Edmund Dulac
“SOUNDS LIKE IT’S COLD IN HERE” Puzzle by Paula Gamache, edited by Will Shortz
The title of this Sunday puzzle refers to the insertion of the cliché sound "BR"(rrr...) utilized for indicating coldness into a common expression containing the shorter plosive B, resulting in WHERES THE BRIEF (23A. Question to a paralegal?); BRAND IN BOSTON (38A. Red Sox franchise?); BRIER BEWARE (45A. Warning sign outside of Br’er Rabbit’s home?); KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BRAWL (63A. Useful advice for a ring referee?); MEDICINE BRO (80A. Clinician in the “hood?); BREAST SELLERS (87A. Silicone implant companies?); FLAT BREAD TRUCK (108A. Matzo mover?), thus producing twists on where’s the beef?, banned in Boston, buyer beware (caveat emptor), keep your eye on the ball, Medicine Bow, best sellers, and flat-bed truck. This puzzle might be popular HERE.
Down: 1. Fancy shooting marbles; 2. “If you ask me,” in a chat room; 3. Matter of life and death: Abbr.; 4. It’s left on a ship; 5. I; 6. Boxer nicknamed “The Bear”; 7. Promising words; 8. Uncommon blood type, informally; 9. Childish claim; 10. Horizontal: Abbr.; 11. Chum; 12. Abounded; 13. Hunt overseas; 14. Incidentally; 15. Wrap around the neck; 16. Overdoes the accolades; 17. Philly money maker; 18. Almost at; 19. Forwarded; 24. Lemon or orange; 29. Vicks nasal decongestant; 32. Hero of New Orleans; 33. Be outscored at the end; 35. Jet locales: Abbr.; 36. Doctor Zhivago’s love; 37. Sound on classic Pong; 38. Rhythm; 39. Play with machines; 40. French for 44-Across; 42. Score the winning point in cribbage; 43. Renounce; 46. “Chill!”; 47. Twist; 48. For initiates only; 50. Bête NOIRE; 51. BADA Bing! (go-go bar on “The Sopranos”); 52. Over; 53. Exclamation with a handshake; 56. “This is not ATOY” (warning label); 57. “The Lion King” character voiced by Whoopi Goldberg; 58. Slightly above average; 59. Invitation stipulation; 60. Brain scan letters; 61. Homeland of Orpheus; 63. KAMA Sutra; 64. Bar EXAM; 65. Die Zeit article; 66. “Essays of ELIA”; 61. Periods between Winter and Summer Olympics; 72. Egyptians symbols of royalty; 74. U.S.N. officers; 75. French cleric; 76. Duller than dull; 77. With the intent; 79 Botch; 80. Architect MIES van der Rohe; 81. Musket end?; 82. Bliss; 84. Stand for things; 85. Lice and mice, e.g.; 87. Automotive comeback of 1998; 88. Cardinal’s topper; 89. Power source; 90. Cry with a salute; 91. French engineer Gustave; 92. Sobieski who played Joan of Arc; 93. Duffer’s accomplishment; 96. Suffix with social; 97. Butt abutters; 100. Wind in a pit; 101. Uffizi Gallery hanging; 103. Singing partner of Brooks; 104. Numerical prefix; 105. Old theaters once owned by Howard Hughes; 107. Jerry’s partner; 100. Festoons with Charmin, informally; 110. Pro TEM.
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Puzzle available on the internet at
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