Saturday, January 14, 2012
Puzzle by Mark Diehl / Edited by Will Shortz
This arduous Saturday crossword should keep the solver fairly well occupied for a bit more time than usual.
Across — 1. Aldrin, Armstrong and Collins, CREWMATES; 10. Large parts of some support systems?, D CUPS; 15. Bit of the magic of Disney, PIXIE DUST; 16. Increased, RAN UP; 17. Start practicing, as bad habits, LAPSE INTO; 18. University next to the Centers for Disease, EMORY; 19. A.B.A. team that signed Moses Malone out of high school, UTAH STARS; 20. Yellow fever carrier, AEDES; 21. “Vexations” composer, SATIE; 22. Cause people to disbelieve, with “on”, CAST DOUBT; 24. Flintstones vitamins maker, BAYER; 25. Pull up stakes, informally, RELO; 26. U.S. United Nations representative, 2005-06, BOLTON; 30. Pfizer brand since 1997, LIPITOR; 32. Dunce-cap-shaped, CONOID; 33. “The Great Santini” author, CONROY; 34. Nutty as can be, IDIOTIC; 36. Kept slightly open artificially, maybe, WEDGED; 37. Storms on the road, GEOS; 38. Spanish uncle?, NO MAS; 40. Anne Brontë’s first novel; AGNES GREY; 42. The U.S.S. Constitution has three, MASTS; 47. Grounation Day celebrant, RASTA; 48. Snack item next to a dip bowl, NACHO CHIP; 50. With lid rattling, say, ABOIL; 51. These days, IN OUR TIME; 52. Waterfall or rapid, SAULT; 53. Feature of many a pizzeria, stone oven, STONE OVEN; 54. Builds up, HYPES; 55. Sticks firmly, HOLDS FAST.
Down — 1. A little above average, C PLUS; 2. Loop taken on a drive?, RIATA; 3. Gertrude Stein or Alice B. Toklas, EXPAT; 4. “WISH I could” (expression of regret); 5. Thornburgh’s predecessor as attorney general, MEESE; 6. Mine entrance, ADIT; 7. Makeshift cat dish, TUNA CAN; 8. Animal that has escaped from its owner, ESTRAY; 9. Fox Business Network show, STOSSEL; 10. Horrible, DREAD; 11. Provider of relief for a finger?, CAMEO RING; 12. Roman count?, UNO DUE TRE; 13. All in the family?, PURE BLOOD; 14. Le Carré specialty, SPY STORY; 23. Flashes, TRICES; 24. Ominous, BODING; 26. Coastal setting of “The Birds”, BODEGA BAY; 27. Bistro offering, ONION SOUP; 28. Bathroom item on a honey-do list, LOOSE TILE; 29. Bit of retribution, TIT; 31. Locust tree feature, POD; 32. Cuban remnant, CIGAR ASH; 35. From Land’s End, e.g., CORNISH; 36. Aces, nowadays, WAY COOL; 39. Will, if intentions bear out, MEAN TO; 41. De-ices, perhaps, SALTS; 42. Rules of conduct, MORES; 43. Lead-in to God or Congress, ACT OF; 44. Trinity member, SHIVA; 45. Post-marathon posts, TIMES; 46. Wiped out, SPENT; 49. “Best friend” from Germany?, HUND.
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Puzzle available on the internet at
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