Monday, January 9, 2012
Puzzle by Michael Dewey / Edited by Will Shortz
FLY LIKE AN EAGLE (20A. Soar), SING LIKE A CANARY (38A. Tell everything to the coppers) and WATCH LIKE A HAWK (51A. Carefully guard) constitute the interrelated group of this fine Monday crossword.

Five-letter — ADAPT, AFTER, ASIAN (26D. Like about 60% of the world‘s population), ATTAR, AXLES, BERET, DISCS, DOZED, ECONO, ERICS, ETHIC, IRISH (39D. Dubliners, e.g.), ISAAC, QATAR (58A. Doha is its capital), RAN TO, REPEL, SCROD, SKEWS, SLYLY, SPAIN (35A. Barcelona’s land), SPECK, TRADE, TULIP (19A. Dutch bloom).
Short stuff — ACES, AEON, ALSO, AM SO, A TO Z, CAT, Tierra DEL Fuego, EDIE, EENY, ENDS, ETON, EXIT, HAAS, INK, ITEM, KRIS, LABS, LANA and LUNA (17D. Actress Turner; 53D. Goddess of the moon), NEWT, OPAL, OPEC, QED, REP, SHH, SKIN, SLIP, SNOB, TALL (11D. Like Dubai’s Burj Khalifa), TORI, TRA-la-la, USS, UTEP, VISA, WACO, WARD, WAVE, WOES, WOLF, YEAR.
Click on image to enlarge.
Puzzle available on the internet at
THE NEW YORK TIMES — Crossword Puzzles and Games.
Remaining clues — ACROSS: 1. Misfortunes; 5. A surfboard rides it; 9. “… lived happily ever ___”; 14. Oil ministers’ grp.; 15. Lighted sign near a stairway; 16. Swap; 18. Too; 23. They’re worth 1 or 11 in blackjack; 25. “On the Origin of Species” author; 28. “Quiet!”; 30. Science class sessions; 34. Nearly sacrificed son of Abraham; 41. Lynx or puma; 42. Rockers Clapton and Burdon; 43. Turn away; 44. Better-than-you type; 46. Tattoo fluid; 47. Gnarled, as a tree trunk; 48. Navy vessel initials; 50. Faux pas; 59. Lone Star State sch.; 60. Number after a © symbol; 61. Money-saving brand prefix; 62. Politico Gingrich; 63. Doughnut shapes, mathematically speaking; 64. Slept lightly; 65. “Are not!” playground retort; 66. Finishes. — DOWN: 1. “The Three Little Pigs” antagonist; 2. October birthstone; 3. “___, meeny, miney, mo”; 6. Car rods; 7. MasterCard rival; 8. James Bond’s school; 9. Fragrance of roses; 10. Penny-pinching; 12. Emmy winner Falco; 13. Member of the House: Abbr.; 22. Moral standard; 25. The chocolate parts of Oreos, e.g.; 27. Totaled, as a bill; 28. Particle; 29. Actor Lukas of “Witness”; 31. Evolve (per 25-Across); 32. French cap; 33. With cunning; 35. Dermatologist’s study; 45. Gas in lighters; 49. Catch of the day, say, in New England; 50. Distorts, as data; 51. Baylor University’s home; 52. The gamut; 54. Thingy; 55. Very long time; 56. Fend (off); 57. Kringle or Kristofferson; 58. Math proof ending.
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