08.21.09 -- GASP!

Adult size antique skeleton, Gothic Rose Antiques
August 21, 2009
Puzzle by Patrick Berry, edited by Will Shortz
GASP, HASH, RASH, SORT, CLUE, ALAS, WEEP, WARN, SNAG, NOES, POOP, STET! may sound like the utterances of a flummoxed solver, apt right down to the REMOTEST (54A. Least accessible) corner of the puzzle which teases with the entry of OPENEST (38D. Most accessible), what?! -- ah well,
WILCO (44D. “Consider it done”)!
People and/or persona in the puzzle include full names of
IVAN REITMAN (7D. Director of Meatballs” and “Stripes”) and JACK DEMPSEY (32A. First athlete to appear on the cover of Time magazine). Others -- ARTURO (17A. Cuban-born jazz great Sandoval); 26A. “Ella and BASIE!” (1963 jazz album); a BEDMATE (36D. One who’s on the other side?); a B BOY (26D. Rap devotee, in slang); a BRO (36A. Amigo); a CHILEAN (2D. Poet Pablo Neruda, for one); LIAR LIAR (16A. 1997 Jim Carrey film); LORNE (53A. TV producer Michaels); OGRES (39A. Ungentle giants); 6D. Chad Mitchell TRIO (1960s folk band); WELK (25A. Onetime popular musician … or a radio station where he might be heard?); and a SKELETON (30D. One hanging around med school?)!
ACROSTIC (1A. Feature of Psalm 119) leads off the puzzle’s other entries of length followed by ALL ALONE (18A. Isolated); AUTOHARP (10D. Zither with buttons); EDUCATES (52D. Shows the ropes); RAISIN BREAD (28A. Sweet loaf); TALL TALE (50A. It’s unbelievable); THE NERVE (14A. “How rude!”); TRAINMAN (47A. Switch hitter?).
Mid-size -- AGREE TO (33D. Accept, as conditions); ATE OUT (51A. Went on a dinner date, e.g.); AT LARGE (1D. Loose); CEREALS (8D. Post boxes’ contents); CRASSER (34D. More boorish);
EURASIA (12D. “1984” superstate); GLUCOSE (11D. What insulin regulates the metabolism of); HAUL UP (15A. Call on the carpet); JOURNAL (32D. Personal writings); NESTLE (49A. Coffee-mate producer); ON RAMP 4D. It’s designed for quick entrances); PLATTER (35D. Part of a caterer’s display); REALIST (3D. Dreamer’s opposite); REGALES (37D. Entertains); SNO-CAT (19A. Tracked vehicle); SPOTTED (13D. Like pinto beans); WENT AT (41D. Attacked).
For today’s cartoon, go to
The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
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Puzzle available on the internet at
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Remaining clues -- Across: 9. People work for them; 21. Spur-of-the-moment; 20. City where French kings were crowned; 23. Virus’s need; 24. Swimmer’s sound; 27. Suffix with absorb; 30. Separate; 31. Lowdown; 40. As bad luck would have it!; 41. Blubber; 42. Caspian Sea feeder; 43. Hitch. Down: 5. Plugs; 9. Premonish; 15. Jumble; 25. Pottery; 28. Some retinal cells; 29. Disappointing R.S.V.P.‘s; 43. Unmake changes; 44. It may get you out of a trap; 46. Mystery novel element; 48. Chemical used to cure animal skins.

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