07.25.14 — Down Goes Frazier

George Foreman, right, sent Joe Frazier to the canvas six times in less than two founds to claim Frazier’s heavyweight championship in a bout at Kingston, Jamaica , on Jan. 22, 1973.  Foreman, who was 24 at the time would retire in 1977 but come back to win a share of the title in 1994 at age 45. ~ Houston Chronicle Sports 


Friday, July 25, 2014

Puzzle by Peter A. Collins / Edited by Will Shortz

Across — It’s part of a club, MAYO; 5. Place for vino, ASTI; 9. Like some floors and series, SWEPT; 14. Ancient land east of the Tigris, ELAM; 15. Fur source, CHINCHILLA; 17. Repeated cry in a 1973 fight, DOWN GOES FRAZIER; 19. High class, SENIORS; 20. Mo. Of Indian Independence Day, AUG; 21. Annihilate, arcade-style, ZAP; 22. Many a New York Post headline, PUN; 23. Geezers, OLD GOATS; 25. Aptly named N.F.L. M.V.P. of the 1960s, STARR; 28. Tudor who lost her head, BOLEYN; 29. The Glass Capital of the World, TOLEDO OHIO; 31. Thing, in Spain or Italy, COSA; 35. Minority report?, DISSENT; 36. Polish rolls, BIALIES; 38. SLOE-eyed; 39. Regardless of the repercussions, AT ALL COSTS; 41. Fox in the Baseball Hall of Fame, NELLIE; 43. Bring up to speed, CUE IN; 44. They might become bats, ASH TREES; 47. Death, to Mozart, TOD; 48. People often strain to make it, TEA; 49. D.C.-based intercontinental grp., OAS; 50. Calls upon, TURNS TO; 54. Many Victoria Cross recipients, BRITISH SOLDIERS; 57. Heads with hearts, ARTICHOKES; 58. One hit on the head, NAIL; 59. Indian yogurt dish, RAITA; 60. “No PASA nada” (“It’s all good”: Sp.); 61. Journeyer through Grouchland, in a 1999 film, ELMO.

Down — 1. Doc’s orders, MEDS; 2. Palliation application, ALOE; 3. Demonstration of disinterest, YAWN; 4. Like God, OMNIPRESENT; 5. Fall faller, ACORN; 6. Hens and heifers, SHES; 7. “’TIS true”; 8. Like God, INFALLIBLE; 9. Like yaks, SHAGGY; 10. Richard Pryor title role, with “the”, WIZ; 11. The “you” in “On the Street Where You Live”, ELIZA; 12. Fold, PLEAT; 13. Some cover-ups, TARPS; 16. Tanker’s thankful, CRUDE OIL; 18. Currency of 46-Down, GOURDE; 23. “Impressive!”, OOH; 24. Elated, ON CLOUD NINE; 25. Touchstones: Abbr., STDS; 26. Bust a hump, TOIL; 27. Further, ALSO; 28. Liquor store, Down Under, BOTTLE SHOP; 30. Restrained, ON A LEASH; 32. Beauvais’s department, OISE; 33. Institute n the 1997 sci-fi film “Contact”, SETI; 34. N.R.A. member?: Abbr., ASSN; 37. Agreement, ACCORD; 40. Start of an alphabet book, A IS; 42. Work first publicly performed at the Theater an der Wien in 1805, EROICA; 44. In open court, AT BAR; 45. Junipero SERRA, founder of San Francisco; 46. Where 18-Downs are currency, HAITI; 47. Home of minor-league baseball’s Drillers, TULSA; 50. Ducky web sites?, TOES; 51. Dollar bill feature, SEAL; 52. Quick cut, TRIM; 53. Europe’s Tiger City, OSLO; 55. Cousin of a chickadee, TIT; 56. The English Beat’s genre, SKA.


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Puzzle available on the internet at

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