07.26.14 — The Saturday Crossword

Detail of vase painting depicting Scylla, c. 340 BCE, Getty Museum


Saturday, July 26, 2014

Puzzle by Julian Lim / Edited by Will Shortz

Across — 1. Faces facts, GETS REAL; 9. Cruise vehicle, MOVIE; 14. Airline relaunched in 2009, AL ITALIA; 15. A. Ryder, WINONA; 16. Resort town near Piz Bermina, ST MORITZ; 17. Like some migraines, OCULAR; 18. “Home Alone” actor, JOE PESCI; 19. Hot stuff, WASABI; 20. Schubert’s “The ERL King”; 21. Place for a shoe, HOOF; 23. Star material, maybe, TIN; 24. Highlander, e.g., TOYOTA; 28. Taking five, PAUSING; 31. Public face, POSTER CHILD; 34. Scylla in Homer’s “Odyssey,” e.g., SEA CREATURE; 35. Former hit TV show with the them song “Get Crazy”, JERSEY SHORE; 36. Eliza in “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” e.g., MULATTO; 37. “Raising Hell” rappers, RUN DMC; 41. ILE de la Reunion; 42. Phila.’s Franklin INST; 45. Queenside castle indicator, in chess, OOO; 46. Zigzag ribbon, RIC RAC; 49. Change for a C-note, maybe; TEN SPOTS; 53. Tops, RATED A; 54. Smashes to smithereens, ATOMIZES; 55. Narrow soccer victory, ONE NIL; 56. Mark of affection, LOVE BITE; 57. Undesirable element in the home, RADON; 58. Deserve to be listened to, say, KNOW BEST.

Down — 1. Fixture in a chemistry lab, GAS JET; 2. Las Ventas combatant, EL TORO; 3. Opportune, TIMELY; 4. Cry to a tickler, STOP; 5. RARE bird; 6. Whiffenpoofs, e.g., ELIS; 7. Common aspiration?, AITCH; 8. Region of Italy that includes Rome, LAZIO; 9. Material also known as cat-gold or glimmer, MICA; 10. ONUS probandi (legal term); 11. Set off easily, VOLATILE; 13. Bringing forth fruit, as corn, EARING; 15. Provider of “!!!”, WOW FACTOR; 22. Voice actress in Disney’s “The Princess and the Frog”, OPRAH; 25. Horse OPERA; 26. Feature of breakfast … or dinner?, TOAST; 27. Like the lifestyle of many a monk, ASCETICAL; 29. African political movement, UHURU; 30. Fire sign?, SIREN; 32. Check for size, say, TRY ON; 33. Some semiconductor experts: Abbr., EES; 34. Set apart, SELECTED; 35. Dutch queen until 1980, JULIANA; 36. Reflect, MIRROR; 38. Beaut, DOOZIE; 39. Some Renaissance music, MOTETS; 40. Baby, COSSET; 43. Follow too closely, STALK; 44. Siouan tongue, TETON; 47. Subject of a Will Ferrell “S.N.L.” impersonation, RENO; 48. Court edge, ADIN; 50. Porto-NOVO, Benin; 51. Cousin of a goldeneye, SMEW; 52. Mr. PIBB.


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Puzzle available on the internet at

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