Tuesday, March 31, 2009 Puzzle by Allan E. Parrish, edited by Will Shortz Four anagrams of the letters A, B, E and R constitute the interrelated entries of this pleasant crossword -- BROCCOLI RABE (20A. Bitter-tasting vegetable); RUNNING BEAR (32A. “Young Indian brave” in a 1960 Johnny Preston #1 hit); BARE MINIMUM (41A. Least acceptable amount); REBA MCENTIRE (54A. Country singer with a hit sitcom). Inclusion of BAER, BREA and E-BAR would complete this Tuesday tossup, but enough's enough! The next longest entries include BOREDOM (41D. Yawn inducer); IMPETUS (43D. Driving force); OPIATES (50A. Morphine and codeine, for two); PLATES (24A. Common commemorative items); PENCHANT (4D. Strong liking); RIGATONI (39D. Tubular pasta); SANDRA (48A. Actress Bullock); SAROYAN (5D. “The Human Comedy” novelist William); SASHAYS (23A. Steps nonchalantly); STABLER (9D. Less likely to collapse). Five-letter -- AMIGO (62A. Baja buddy); ARNAZ (19A. Desilu co-founder); COREA (10D. Jazzman Chick); DREGS (49D. Bottom-of-the-barrel stuff); ELIHU (26D. Peace Nobelist Root); ERICA (52D. Author Jong); HERBS (1D. Rosemary and thyme); LIVED (57A. Dwelt); 34D. “Frost/NIXON,” 2008 nominee for Best Picture); OBOES (29D. Slender woodwinds); OCEAN (50D. Great blue expanse); OVALS (6D. Cameo shapes); RAKES (32D. Landscapers’ tools); SCUFF (9A. Shoe mark); SEEKS (53D. Is in the market for); SPASM (65A. More than a twitch); and 27D. SPERM whale; TATUM (25D. 10-year-old Oscar winner O’Neal); TIARA (2D. Princess’ topper); TIBER (51D. River of Rome); TORRE (16A. “The Yankee Years” co-writer); TRIOS (3D. The Dixie Chicks and the Dixie Cups); UTICA (33D. City in New York’s Mohawk Valley). Short stuff -- EIRE, RAIN, AHAB (42D. Melville‘s obsessed whaler), ALA and ALP, AMFM, APIA, ATIT, AVOW, CALI, DEEM, ECO and EOE, EWER, FEZ, FRA and FRAU, GERM, HTTP, IMP, IRAS, KIX, LAS, LORI, MEG, MENS, MOET and MORE, NECK, NEIN, OBIE and ODIE, OHMS, RARE and RUHR, SOLE (5A. Shoe part), TIE, URN, VIA. Incidentally, was that tossup with Max BAER fair?!
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Remaining clues -- 1. Internet address starter; 14. Where Donegal Bay is; 15. Declare frankly; 17. Word after “ppd.” on a sports page; 18. Like a 1943 copper penny; 28. Mobile’s state: Abbr.; 29. Garfield’s foil; 31. The Eiger, for one; 36. Even up; 37. Arguing loudly; 38. Abbr. in a help wanted ad; 39. Essen’s region; 40. “Kid-tested, mother-approved” cereal; 45. Prefix with tourism; 46. Resistance units; 47. Unit of RAM, for short; 60. ___ & Chandon Champagne; 61. Village Voice award; 63. Munich Mrs.; 64. Make out; 66. Macy’s department; 67. S&L offerings. Down: 7. Actress Loughlin of “90210; 8. Vessel by a basin; 11. Subject of a Keats ode; 12. Monk’s title; 13. Shriner’s topper; 21. Columbian city; 22. Samoan port; 30. Consider; 35. Listerine target; 44. Deutschland denial; 55. Like most car radios; 56. Oliver Twist’s request; 57. ___ Cruces, N.M.; 58. Handful for a baby sitter; 59. Itinerary word.