Monica Lewinsky by Tom Richmond / Mayan Volcano Eruption----------------- Friday, March 27, 2009 Puzzle by Paul Gamache, edited by Will Shortz This Friday crossword is a self-described GRAB BAG(8A. Gallimaufry) that’s all over the place featuring a centerpiece of BIMBO ERUPTION(34A. Certain sex scandal, in slang), and twenty or so two-word entries with generally unhelpful clues.
More of the two-word-or-more entries -- ABOUND IN(13D. Crawl with);BAD JOKE(20A. It may fall flat);BLOWS ON (18A. Cools, in a way);BUST INTO (12D. Enter like a storm trooper);EGGED ON (58A. Prodded);ET VOILA (53A. Chef’s cry);FAUX FUR (50A. It’s not really mink, for example);ICE CAVES (35D. Some permafrost features);JUST RELAX (21D. “Cool your jets!”);MR FIXIT (26D. Recipient of a honey-do list);NOT MANY (24D. One or two);OIL TUBE (16A. Engine line);SEA WARS (60A. Fleet activities);SWUNG BY (1A. Detoured to pay a visit along the way);UP TO IT (3D.Game);USER FEES (36D. Tolls, essentially);YARD LINE (7D. Grid marking).STEP-CUT(57A. Diamond-shaping choice) and BAGUETTE(34D. Diamond-shaping choice) with their Shortzesque clues are the bridge from the two-word entries to the singular.
One-word mid-size entries -- ACUATE(40D. Needle-shaped); CACAOS (37A. Their beans were used as currency by the Aztecs); CALMEST (37D. Still the most); CAPELLA (15A. One of the 10 brightest stars); CICADA (42 Shrill flier);DOYENS (44D. Ones with seniority); EDAMAME (55A. Finger food at a Japanese restaurant); ENAMOR (43D. Bewitch); GENTILE (14D. Guest at a synagogue); GOBOTS (8D. Transforming Tonka toys); LEFTIE (33A. Liberal, informally); RITZIER (17A. Having superior amenities); SCRIBE (1D. Worker who sets things down); TESTATE (59A. One way to die); WAIVES (2D. Doesn’t take advantage of).Five-letter entries -- AGENT(39A. Instrument); BLEAK (6D. Discouraging); ESSEX (38A. Connecticut town attached by the British in the war of 1812); ESTOS (27A. These, overseas);FUDGE (47D. “Oh, phooey!”); KLUTE (25A. 1971 title role for Donald Sutherland); PETER (30D. Fizzle out); PRNDL (30A. Shifting sequence); RICED (41A. Not quit mashed);RILKE (9D. “The Book of Hours” poet); SABOT (28D. Cousin of a clog);SALUT(46D. Gallic greeting); SCARF (46A. Quaint aviation accessory); TAINT (31A. Sully). Short stuff -- ALE and ALOE, BEIN, BTW, CAY, FICA, GLIB, IOS, ISS, IVO, LPS, LUCY, MEA and MEW, MINI, NEZ, OPT, RAGA, TINO, TUT (22A. Critical cluck). ------------------ For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.Click on image to enlarge.Puzzle available on the internet atTHE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games
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Remaining clues -- Across: 19. Literature Nobelist Andric; 23. Hippie happening; 26. Height of fashion?; 29. Periodical output: Abbr.; 40. Wassailing choice; 45. Sitcom character discussed in the 2003 biography “Ball of Fire”; 48. Former Yankee Martinez; 49. “Magnificat anima ___ Dominum”; 52. Bit of the Bahamas. Down: 4. Arome detector; 5. Smooth to a fault; 10. Natural treatment; 11. Start of a text-message afterthought; 32. Island SSW of Naxos; 33. Old track holders; 50. W-2 inclusion; 51. Music that influenced the Beatles’ “Norwegian Wood”; 54. Elect; 56. Cry from a litter.
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