02.09.13 — Blizzard!

I’m somewhere in here.
Let me get posted before the blackout…
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Puzzle by Peter Wentz / Edited by Will Shortz

Across — 1. Setting for part of “A Tale of Two Cities”, BASTILLE; 9. “Awww!”, TOO BAD; 15. Aces, with “the”, CAT’S MEOW; 16. What a mass of footballers do after a tackle, UNPILE; 17. One getting poked in the eye?, SHOELACE; 18. Smell like, REEK OF; 19. Punches, informally, CLOCKS; 20. Psychologist Alfred BINET; 21. Jaunty, RAKISH; 23. Not taking a loss well, say, SORE; 24. High, in a way, ON POT; 25. Its positions are labeled North, South, East and West, MAH JONGG; 29. Number of Planeten, ACHT; 30. Ones who are counter-productive?, BARTENDERS; 32. Funny Margaret CHO; 3. Completely covers, CARPETS; 34. Nag (at), EAT; 35. Microwaveable food brand, HOT POCKETS; 37. Centimeter-gram-second unit, DYNE; 38. Dead duck, maybe, ROAD KILL; 39. Union V.I.P., MEADE; 40. One might be performed en avant, JETÉ; 41. Grow more and more irksome, FESTER; 42. Country music’s DEANA Carter; 44. Architectural base, PLINTH; 46. Film hero chasing a motorcycle gang, MAD MAX; 47. Put on the line, AIR-DRIED; 50. “Let’s do it!”, I’M GAME; 51. Chatted up, CAME ON TO; 52. REESES Puffs; 53. Target of thrown bricks, in early comics, KRAZY KAT.
Down — N.C.A.A. football ranking system, BCS; 2. “Now I see!”, AHA; 3. Picture on file, STOCK PHOTO; 4. “The Hippopotamus” writer, T S ELIOT; 5. “Wait, this isn’t making sense”, I’M LOST; 6. Separate through percolation, LEACH; 7. Sure thing, LOCK; 8. Milk sources, EWES; 9. Concorde features, TURBO JETS; 10. Rare driving choices, ONE IRONS; 11. Like some flexible mortgages, OPEN END; 12. Exercise BIKE; 13. Loads, A LOT; 14. “DEF Poetry Jam”; 21. Raid target, ROACH; 22. Position in a relay, ANCHOR; 23. Historical community, SHTETL; 25. Rap’s Biz MARKIE; 26. Last name in women’s skin care, ARPEL; 27. “Pretty obvious, huh?”, GEE YA THINK; 28. Certain coffee order, GRANDE; 30. I.R.S. settlement, BACK TAXES; 31. Take turns?, STEER; 33. Part of a cover, CODE NAME; 36. Some silk threads, PAJAMAS; 37. Trounce, DESTROY; 39. Cuban-born Baseball Hall-of-Famer José MÉNDEZ; 42. “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep” figure, DAME; 43. Threshold, EDGE; 44. Load, PACK; 45. One who’s incredible, LIAR; 46. Peace abroad, MIR; 48. Listing that can change based on the weather, for short, ETA; 49. Flyspeck, DOT.

Click on image to enlarge.
Puzzle available on the internet at

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