Sunday, January 6, 2008
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ACROSTIC, Puzzle by Emily Cox & Henry Rathvon, edited by Will Shortz
“Never, never, never, on cross-examination ask a question you don’t already know the answer to, was a tenet I absorbed with my baby-food. Do it, and you’ll often get an answer you don’t want, an answer that might wreck your case.” -- Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird (J. B. Lippincott Co. 1960, page 188.)
The defined words: A. Traditional preparation in a casserole or hot pot (2 wds.), LAMBSTEW; B. Moving with the jet stream, EASTBOUND; C. All fired up, gung-ho, ENTHUSED; D. Film starring a pull-string cowboy (2 wds.), TOYSTORY; E. Beaten by brainwork, OUTFOXED; F. Sweaters, socks, bootees, etc., KNITWEAR; G. Daughter in a Spanish or Portuguese royal family, INFANTA; H. Mechanical replacement for a flock of sheep? (2 wds.), LAWNMOWER; I. Utterly destroy, ravage (2 wds.), LAYWASTE; J. Recipient of a transfer of rights or property, ASSIGNEE; K. Vine also called “creeping Jenny”, MONEYWORT; L. Oft-covered 1963 Drifters hit about New York (2 wds.), ONBROADWAY; M. Subject of interest to a cosmogonist, CREATION; N. Site of 1974’s Ali/Foreman Rumble in the Jungle, KINSHASA; O. Shown exactly as said (2 wds.), INQUOTES; P. Highly publicized dud, NONEVENT; Q. Stop functioning in a dramatic way (2 wds.), GOHAYWIRE; R. Marina, BOATYARD; S. Desk accessory for Bartlesby the Scrivener, INKSTAND; T. Make an overture (2 wds.), REACHOUT; U. Melancholic, woebegone, DOWNCAST.
The town of Monroeville, where Harper Lee still lives part of the time, boasts Lee as its claim to fame. The town hosts an amateur performance of a play based on Lee’s novel every May (billed as “Alabama’s hottest theater ticket”). The play is staged in the Old Courthouse, which was the inspiration for the Maycomb County Courthouse of Lee’s story - the place where Atticus Finch makes his defense of Tom Robinson. The courthouse is also a year-round museum with three permanent exhibits, including one on Lee and another on Capote. In town, there is also a guided tour, pointing out local spots of note to fans of Lee and Capote.
The New York Times Crossword Puzzle solution above is by the author of this blog and does not guarantee accuracy. If you find errors or omissions, you are more than welcome to make note of same in the Comments section of this post -- any corrections found necessary will be executed promptly upon verification.
Puzzle available on the internet at
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