Saturday, January 12, 2008
Puzzle by Frederick J. Healy, edited by Will Shortz
KICKSTART seems a fair way to start a crossword and/or a commentary, followed by SPLAT!
However, in the spirit of crossword blogs, I should do a FIRSTTAKE with something like “Frederick Healy's New York Times puzzle’s unexpected letter combinations are MTPOCONO; REALITYTV; MDDEGREE, LTGOV, KCAR”, and then expound upon the writers’ strike, making recommendations, giving admonitions, and indicating my preferences with down-speak like “fave”.
Then I’d say I liked KICKSTART and ROADRAGE, and leave out SPLAT, coyly mention SHEBOP in association with self-abuse and paeanful songs, stating a preference for PEABO. I’d have to mention those tacky SPEEDOS (unassociated with the speedy ROLLERBALL) -- segue into sports with NADIA, PERFECTTEN, SCORER, ORSER, AGASSI, ERNIE, ALLCOMERS, etc.
Mention the E words, like EFILE, ELIE, EDEL, ETNA, etc., then on to favorite clues, maybe "basket maker" (24A.), the twin Shortzesque clues of "record holder" (33A. REGISTRAR and 45D HIFI), and perhaps "curling setting" and "house style".
Question STRAP (Leave in difficulty), then on to food -- RAISINPIE, providing a link for a recipe, eschewing any thought of consumption. Close with an authoritarian remark about ILLE. Try hard to forget yesterday’s maelstrom -- GODEL, BEAK, ASOK, and GMAN!
IGOOFED! There’s no space left for CLEOPATRA, HEROD, KOCH, LANI, ABIE, SHERM, the OREAD, the TADS, and IAN. Even less for ATEST, AERIE, ASNEAR, and ASEPTIC -- scant for PILAF (not Piaf), SALON, SMELTER, RESHIPS, CELS, RAYED, TAS, or RRR (8D. Elementary school trio?) -- and none for SPOILED, DEFIES, WIELD, TAMPERS, CEDED, DEED, or FRI.
Alas, into the ACRID (43D. Sharp) sea of commentary, where I’ve no time left to DIPIN my TOES (14D. Web sites?).
Head on out and KICKSTART the kvetching! May I suggest 29A -- “Laborare est ORARE” (“to work is to pray”) -- now don’t shoot the messenger, the quotation marks are by The New York Times -- so go get ‘em!

For yesterday’s cartoon today, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

Puzzle available on the internet at
THE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games
If you subscribe to home delivery of The New York Times you are eligible to access the daily crossword via The New York Times - Times Reader, without additional charge, as part of your home delivery subscription.
What is your problem?
You started out harping on the supposed cliquishness of the crossword community, which sure looked like a pointed attack on me, what with knowing so many people from the ACPT, constructors, etc. You followed that with repeated hammering of the point that I and others used the word "theme" as crossword jargon and it didn't comport with your dictionary definition of "theme." Occasionally you mock some bloggers' writing styles and content, as in this post.
The ostracism is not a one-way street. I have felt sniped at repeatedly here and prefer not to return fire and escalate the conflict. It's just crossword puzzles, after all, not politics.
I am certain you have my e-mail address, where your concerns can be addressed without "politics".
I was referring to politics as a topic of blogging that is prone to dissension.
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