Sunday, November 1, 2009 COMPOUND FRACTURES, Puzzle by Matt Ginsberg and Pete Muller, edited by Will Shortz Merriam-Webster defines a compound fracture as “a bone fracture resulting in an open wound through which bone fragments usually protrude” -- there is no other definition... However, that’s not the meaning behind the title of this Sunday crossword in which pairs of words overlap by 5 letters to form 12 compounded words, or put another way, faux portmanteau words with fantasy clues adorned with question marks. There are a couple that may be eligible to entry in the language, but one could easily choke on the clue for CATHARTICHOKE as that of a vegetable that gives you an emotional release?…! The rest of the group in numerical order -- RETROSPECTACLES (22A. Eyewear providing hindsight?); ELEPHANTOM (29A. Peanut-loving ghost?); SPORADICAL (32A. Intermittent revolutionary?); PSYCHEDELICACY (43A. Rare mushroom?); CONTRABANDON (56A. Give up smuggled goods?); ROULETTERMAN (71A. High-school athletic star at a casino?); GUITARISTOCRAT (81A. Noble Les Paul?); PERHAPSODY (99A. “Maybe” music?); FOREVERIES (101A. Dreams that don’t die?); CENTIPEDESTRIAN (109 Bug that never takes a ride?); WIKIPEDIATRIC (21D. Like online medical advice for kids?). Other entries of length -- APOCRYPHA (17A. Some extra books); FLEW A KITE (27A. Repeated a Benjamin Franklin electrical experiment); HALF PRICE (11D. Greatly reduced); HIROSHIMA (104A. 1946 John Hersey book); JUST DANDY (76D. Peachy-keen); MAKE HASTE (115A. Hustle); REFINISH (85D. Strip, sand and stain). Eight-letter -- INTRADAY (83D. Like some stock market highs and lows); OH FATHER (69A. 1989 Madonna hit); POT BELLY (3D. Paunch); ROSE RED (13D. Fairy tale sister); THE STAGE (7D. Broadway, say); YES I CAN (89D. Sammy David Jr. autobiography).

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Remaining clues -- Across: 1. Tops; 5. Quilt filler; 9. Detest; 14. Some I.R.A.’s; 19. Softly; 20. Post a modern status update; 24. French town; 25. Restrain; 26. Game in which a player may be schneidered; 33. Afflicts: 34. “___ Can Cook” (onetime PBS show); 37. Christianity, e.g.: Abbr.; 38. Bluff bit; 40. Desert stream; 41. Emulate a grandparent, maybe; 51. Backrub response; 52. It comes before the carte; 53. Put away; 55. Some sushi bar orders; 64. Area code 801 area; 65. Swamp thing; 66. Use www.irs.gov, say; 68. Not exciting; 74. ___ area; 75. Indian government of 1858-1947; 77. Word from Antony to Cleopatra; 78. Parisian roll call response; 88. “As ___ Dying”; 90. Man’s name meaning “young man”; 91. Coward with a pen; 92. ___ gratification; 93. Boombox button; 97. Old TWA hub: Abbr.; 98. Three or four; 105. Runner Budd; 106. Simile words; 107. Japanese financial center; 113. Deux of these are better than one; 114. “As You Like It” setting; 116. 60 minuti; 118. “Bill ___ History of the United States”; 119. Détente. Down: 1. Limo, e.g.; 2. Form of the Egyptian god Thoth; 5. What “two” meant, historically; 6. iPhone download; 9. Give ___ on the back; 10. Inexpensive pen; 18. “The Human Stain” novelist; 20. Big Super Bowl expense; 23. Pompom holder; 28. Had as a base; 29. One of three brothers in the Old West; 30. White ones are little; 31. Swimmer Diana; 32. Fountain order; 35. Kind of bean; 38. Blacken; 39. Go over and over; 42. Age-old robbers’ target; 45. Eng. Or Span.; 46. “Lux et Veritas” collegian; 48. Belief of about 1 ½ billion; 49. Pause producer; 50. City near Dusseldorf; 54. Bias; 58. New York politico Andrew; 57. Follower of each or no; 58. Source of a “giant sucking sound,” according to Ross Perot; 59. Common cause of a 3-Down; 60. Not fun at all; 70. Lever or level; 72. “The Big Country,” for one; 73. Sci. specialty; 80. “Happy Days” role; 82. Poker star Phil; 84. Lone; 86. Tommie of the Amazins; 87. Tugboat services; 99. Candid, maybe; 100. Botanist Gray and others; 101. Popinjay; 102. Mings, e.g.; 103. Job precursor: Abbr.; 105. 97.5% of a penny; 109. X; 110. Manage, with “out”; 111. ___ premium; 112. Mint.
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