Juliette Binoche in “The English Patient”
Friday, November 6, 2008
Puzzle by Doug Peterson, edited by Will Shortz
The miscellaneous wordage of this Friday crossword is led by two 15-letter entries, JULIETTE BINOCHE (8D. “The English Patient” Oscar winner) and REEL-TO-REEL TAPES (33A. Some audiophiles’ collections) which cross in the center of this Friday crossword, followed by four of ten letters, ACETIC ACID (24D. Wood distillation product); EXPERIMENT (12D. It often has controls); GREEN ONION (25D. Its bulb is small); PEACE PIPES (11D. They go around on reservations).
Nine letters -- ALPHA MALE (16A. Leader of the pack); AT THE TIME (31A. Then); CHEVROLET (55A Avalanche, e.g.); I CLAUDIUS (52A. John Hurt played Caligula in it); IGNORAMUS (14A. Dull type); MOUNT FUJI (1A. Far Eastern pilgrimage destination); SERENGETI (57A. Where some buffalo roam); STEVE JOBS (36A. Subject of the 2005 biography “iCon”).
Mid-size -- CLEAVE (40D. Split); CRUSTY (40A. Gruff); FAMOUS (6D. Celebrated); PAGANS (23A. Solstice celebrators); PARAPET (15D. Citadel feature); RETURN (41D. Trip part); TELLERS (34D. They’re concerned with checks and balances); TRAJAN (5D. A Tall Roman column is named after him).

Short stuff -- AROD (31D. Baseball nickname that‘s a portmanteau), ASTI, DIVE, DOG, DUET, ECRU, EDNA, EIN, FDA, FILE, ISEE, LENT, LODI, MIAS, NOH, OGLE, OJOS, OPED, PIZ, RTES, SAHL, SEC, TICS, TRAP, UNPC.
Click on image to enlarge.
Puzzle available on the internet at
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Remaining clues -- Across: 10. Page with convictions; 18. “One ___”; 26. Set up; 28. ___ Bernina (highest peak in the Eastern Alps); 30. Dull shade; 37. Spotted; 38. Kafka’s “___ Hungerkünstler”; 39. City in San Joaquin County; 48. Occasional medicine dropper?: Abbr.; 56. Best in shows. Down: 1. They’re officially honored on the third Friday in Sept.; 2. Regard impolitely; 3. Sexist, say; 4. Stylized drama; 9. Comment when following someone; 13. Like some changed locks; 22. “The Future Lies Ahead” comedian, 1958; 27. G.P.S. output: Abbr.; 31. Baseball nickname that’s a portmanteau; 35. Sight-seers at the Prado?; 46. One may be given a 10; 47. Nervous reactions; 48. Cabinet member?; 49. Shared air; 50. Wine spot; 53. Frank.
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