----------------- Monday, October 26, 2009 Puzzle by Mike Nothnagel, edited by Will Shortz Four names rhyming with XFACTOR (36A. Mystery quality … or what 18- and 55-Across and 3- and 32-Down have?) -- FOX MULDER (18A. Dana Scully’s sci-fi partner), MAX YASGUR (55A. Owner of the farm where Woodstock took place), LEX LUTHOR (3D. “Superman” villain) and TEX RITTER (32D. Cowboy who sang the title song from “High Noon”). Is it a stretch to say that the call of a newsboy, EXTRA (31A. When repeated, bygone newsboy’s cry), echoed by XTERRA (36D. Nissan S.U.V.) give a playful ring to this Monday crossword -- the question is whether XFACTOR rhymes with the four proper names and/or where the reverberations of the bygone call of the newsboy begin or end -- soothsaying ghost in the city’s canyons of hard times and skyscrapers. The news is that this is a good read, nay excellent, far above the usual Monday crossword -- contrasts and counterpoints abound, PERMIT ME (52A. “If I may … “) like an ALLEY CAT (20A. Prowling feline) on the, well, prowl… Nissan’s S.U.V. has a companion in the ALTIMA sedan, PUNK and POKE share their K, OSAGE and OSIERS resonate, ACHE and ACRE, OPAL and OPERA, PRO and PEROT, VENTI, VERSE and VIXEN, REGO and ROMA, SHOO and SHOT, alongside the thud of SOX (8D. “Red” or “White” baseball team) and MESS UP (44D. Goof) -- yes, the YANKEES are in the World Series this year! Seven-letter entries include COVERED (47A. Having insurance); EAT INTO (42D. Take away from, as profits); FREEBIE (4D. Something for nothing); HAS BEEN (24A Washed-up person); ONE-EYED (40D. Like two jacks in a deck of cards); SALTBOX (10D. House style with a long pitched roof in back). Six -- EASY ON (5D. Start of a billboard catchphrase meaning “close to the highway”), something I‘ve never heard of; ENMESH (46D. Tangle up [in]); HEAR OF (45A. Learn secondhand); LATIN I (25A. Course in which to conjugate “amo, amas, amat … “; NO MA’AM (9D. Courteous rejection to a woman); ULSTER (19D. Coat named for an Irish province). Five -- AAHED (30D. Sighed with satisfaction); 27A. “We AIM TO please”; ALCOA (27D. It acquired Reynolds Metals in 2000); AS FAT (6D. Equally plump); AUDIE (11D. Actor Murphy of old westerns); CLIFF (21D. Steep drop-off); COMAS (47D. Unconscious states); CRÈME (12D. Middle of an Oreo); ENTRY (57A. Contest submission); HILTS (24D. Sword handles); HORDE (63A. Mob); KARAN (13D. Designer Donna); MAXES (17A. Completely uses up, as a credit card, with “out”); NEMEA (43A. Ancient Greek city with a mythical lion); OTHER (37D. None of the above, on a survey); ROLFE (1A. John of colonial Jamestown); STEER (60A. Have the wheel of a car); U-BOLT (23A. Letter-shaped threaded fastener); VENTI (50A. Large, at Starbucks); VERSE (50D. Esther 8:9 is the longest one in the Bible); VIXEN (49d. Reindeer teamed with Prancer). Short stuff -- AGEE, ALIF, ASSN, AURA, EEL, EXGI, EYE, FALL, GRO, HOST, LAPP, MRED, SACK, SEND, URNS. Extra! Extra!
------------------ For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

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Remaining clues -- Across: 6. The first “A” in N.A.A.C.P.: Abbr.; 10. Bag; 14. “Tosca,” for one; 15. “Get out of here, fly!”; 16. Surrounding glow; 28. Dull pain; 29. Autumn; 35. Con’s opposite; 38. Snakelike fish; 39. H. Ross ___, candidate of 1992 and 1996; Party giver; 42. U.S. military vet; 51. Twigs for baskets; 58. Writer James; 59. Vases; 61. Transmit; 62. Jab between the ribs, say. Down: 1. Capital of Italia; 2. Milky white gem; 7. Photographed; 25. Northern Scandinavian; 26. Field unit; 33. ___ Park (Queens neighborhood); 34. A, in Arabic; 52. Play a practical joke on, slangily; 53. Talking horse of ‘60s TV; 54. Bronte’s Jane, 56. Miracle-___ (plant food.
This was a nice Monday puzzle. Enjoyed your links Donald.
'Twas nice!
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