Monday, October 19, 2009 Puzzle by Lynn Lempel, edited by Will Shortz
OOH AND AAH (61A. Gush over … or sounds shared by the answer to each starred clue), BOONDOCKS (16A. *Backwoods locale), NEUTRON (27A. *Particle with no electric charge), GOULASH (49A. *Stew made with paprika), MOONSHOT (3D. *Apollo 11, 12 or 13, e.g.), HOOPLA (10D. *Commotion), BOUFFANT (39D. *Teased hairdo) and TUCSON (48D. *Home of the University of Arizona) are the interrelated group of this Monday crossword.

Six-letter -- EDISON (47D. The “Ed of Con Ed), EGRETS (43D. Long-feathered wading birds), INDEED (11D. Truly), 8D. LESSER of two evils and MESSES (12D. Bungles, with “up”), NEPALI (46D. Katmandu native), SHRANK (15D. Got smaller), UNSOLD (50D. Still on the market).

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Puzzle available on the internet at
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Remaining clues -- Across: 1. V.I.P.’s vehicle; 5. Cry one’s eyes out; 9. Sudden impulse; 13. Tracking dog’s clue; 14. Double-reed instrument; 24. Nintendo competitor; 25. Spike who directed “Crooklyn”; 26. Fireplace residue; 30. Commercials; 33. 1950s prez; 35. Boozers; 38. Sleeping, most likely; 42. Golf peg; 46. Badminton court divider; 51. L.A. campus; 52. Ending on a campus e-mail address; 53. Anglo-Saxon writing symbol; 66. Hawaiian garlands; 67. To the ___ of the earth; 68. B&B’s; 69. “Fiddlesticks!”; 70. Immediately, to a surgeon. Down: 1. High tennis hit; 2. Altar vow; 5. Ka-blam!; 6. “Sesame Street” lessons; 7. Stir-fry cooker; 9. Cowboy’s “Stop!”; 22. Taxis; 23. Nobel Peace Prize city; 29. “Yuck!”; 32. Winter hours in Minn.; 34. Sup; 37. U.S. anti-trafficking grp.; 40. Gaelic; 41. Art ___ (1920s-’30s style); 57. Male companions for Barbies; 58. Branch of Islam predominant in Iran; 59. Sunrise direction; 62. Above poetically; 63. Tooth decay-fighting org.; 64. F.D.R.’s successor.
1 comment:
Nice. Glad I found your website. I always try the Times cross word and need some help.
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